sftp copied to clipboard
change permission for multiple users in docker-compose.yml ?
a very nice container, logging in with own ssh keys is workingh well but how can I share a local directory as a upload directory for a atmoz/sftp user. When I set is as follows, this user "test" is able to upload files.
user dependend dirs
- ./data/upload:/home/test/upload
- "2222:22"
command: test::1000
When I set another users ulpoad path, sftp for example, this user is not able to upload files in due to permission problems. no write permission.
user dependend dirs
- ./data/upload:/home/test/upload
- ./data/upload:/home/sftp/upload
- "2222:22"
command: test::1000
command: sftp::65534 <---- ?
My question, is it possible to use the command option multiple times in docker-compose.yml. I think it's not possible because I get an error message from docker-compose.
Thank you in advance
Regards, Frank
Here is the correct syntax:
- "2222:22"
- user1:pass1:33:33
- user2:pass2:33:33
- user3:pass3:33:33