react-beautiful-dnd copied to clipboard
I can't get the element.
I have three to-do lists and when I swap cases within one list, the last case in the list cannot be dragged and dropped. You can't interact with it in any way at all. And when I try to grab an item in the console I get this warning react-beautiful-dnd.esm.js:39 react-beautiful-dndUnable to find draggable with id: 654621428283905c5b2012adb3. I have each case has a unique id.
Apparently my problem was solved I needed to add the key
- {todos?.tasks?.map((task, index) => (
<Draggable index={index} key={task._id} draggableId={task._id.toString()}>
{(provided) => (
<div className='todos__task'
ref={provided.innerRef} >
<h1 className='todos__task-title'>{task?.title}</h1>