react-beautiful-dnd copied to clipboard
How to use it with TypeScript and React 18?
is not assignable to type 'React.ReactNode'
kind of error
Works like a charm in our TS, R18 codebase, where / when do you see the error pop up?, does it break the functionality or just a warning?
Works like a charm in our TS, R18 codebase, where / when do you see the error pop up?, does it break the functionality or just a warning?
R18 isn't even in beautiful-dnd's peerDependencies so npm won't install them together, how are you running them?
@thepixelmonk 🤔 you install it into an R18 app, it doesn't need to have it as a dependency, the only caveat is no strict mode support
I do not have enabled React.StrictMode
, but I still get the following typing errors in TS:
TS2786: 'Droppable' cannot be used as a JSX component.
Its instance type 'Droppable' is not a valid JSX element.
The types returned by 'render()' are incompatible between these types.
Type 'import("/Users/[...]/node_modules/@types/react-dom/node_modules/@types/react/index").ReactNode' is not assignable to type 'React.ReactNode'.
For Droppable
, Draggable
and DragDropContext
. This looks to me not like an Strictmode thing, but an conflict within the index.d.ts
@Yasamato pretty obvious question but have you updated your local package.json @types/react
, and rebuilt?
our versions: "@types/react": "18.0.9", "react": "18.1.0", "react-dom": "18.1.0", "react-beautiful-dnd": "13.1.0",
i repeat works like a charm
Yes, I did: yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
works like a charm
Maybe for debug purposes, but the deps I tested it with are:
"dependencies": {
"@tailwindcss/line-clamp": "^0.4.0",
"next": "^12.1.6",
"react": "^18.1.0",
"react-beautiful-dnd": "^13.1.0",
"react-dom": "^18.1.0",
"react-full-screen": "^1.1.0",
"react-player": "^2.10.1",
"react-tooltip": "^4.2.21",
"redis": "^4.1.0",
"sharp": "^0.30.5",
"": "^4.5.1",
"": "^4.5.1",
"swr": "^1.3.0",
"unique-names-generator": "^4.7.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/express": "^4.17.13",
"@types/node": "^17.0.35",
"@types/react": "^18.0.9",
"@types/react-beautiful-dnd": "^13.1.2",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.0.5",
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.7",
"classnames": "^2.3.1",
"eslint": "8.16.0",
"eslint-config-next": "12.1.6",
"postcss": "^8.4.14",
"prettier": "^2.6.2",
"tailwindcss": "^3.0.24",
"ts-node": "^10.8.0",
"typescript": "4.7.2"
but as the other dependencies aren't really interfering with typing from my understanding, it should already conflict with the minimal case of:
"dependencies": {
"react": "^18.1.0",
"react-beautiful-dnd": "^13.1.0",
"react-dom": "^18.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/react": "^18.0.9",
"@types/react-beautiful-dnd": "^13.1.2",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.0.5",
"ts-node": "^10.8.0",
"typescript": "4.7.2"
while tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"module": "esnext",
"jsx": "preserve",
"lib": ["dom", "es2017"],
"baseUrl": ".",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"strict": true,
"allowJs": true,
"noEmit": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noUnusedParameters": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"removeComments": false,
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"incremental": true
"exclude": ["dist", ".next", "out", "next.config.js"],
"include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"]
Wait a minute, you aren't using @types/react-beautiful-dnd
, are you? Then it's no wonder you don't get type errors, because react-beautiful-dnd
itself isn't typed as far as I know
@Yasamato sorry yes, we use "@types/react-beautiful-dnd": "13.1.2",
as well, i forgot to post it up in that comment
possibly we use a bit older typescript version "typescript": "4.5.5",
but as the other dependencies aren't really interfering with typing from my understanding, it should already conflict with the minimal case of:
can you codepen confirm this theory
and possibly helpful; this is the mapping of our package versions to the minimal example you posted above "react": "18.1.0", "react-dom": "18.1.0", "react-beautiful-dnd": "13.1.0",
"@types/react": "*",
"@types/react-beautiful-dnd": "13.1.2",
"@types/react-dom": "18.0.5",
"typescript": "4.5.5"
fixed with as any
for now, i will do more testing in future
Hey, had the same issue with this and a few other packages.
The issue that I had was that React Beautiful DnD was dependent on @types/react/*
which was resolved to React 17.
I solved it by adding to the package.json a "resolution" field with the react types.
"resolutions": {
"**/@types/react": "18.0.14"
This should work if you're using yarn.
If you're using NPM there's also a different way for conflict resolution.
🎉 @hello-pangea/dnd now supports React 18 and react strict mode (and is fully written in TypeScript)!
npm install @hello-pangea/dnd
- Replace all imports of
- Enjoy :)