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build-stats copied to clipboard

🏆 get the build stats for pipelines 🏆


Get the stats of your pipeline.



yarn global add build-stats


Download pipelines builds history to .data folder:

build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt download

Calculate monthly average build time and success rate of a repo over the last year:

build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt calculate

Calculate daily average build time and success rate of a repo over the last month:

build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt calculate --period 1 --last 30

Calculate daily average build time and success rate of the master branch of a repo over the last 90 days:

$ build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt calculate --branch master --period 1 --last 90

Display build history:

$ build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt history

Display build history for master branch for builds that were either successul or failed:

$ build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt history --branch master --result SUCCESSFUL,FAILED

Delete the downloaded history of repository

$ build-stats travis:boltpkg/bolt clean


build-stats <service>:<user>/<repo> <command> [...options]
  • service: CI Service (travis or bitbucket or bamboo)
  • user/repo: Project specifier (Example:

**Note: In case for Bamboo, user is the url to the Bamboo server and repo is the plankey of the project.



Download the build history into a local .data cache.

  • --auth <token>: Authentication token to access builds on private repository. Please read to see how to generate authentication token.


Calculate the mean and see the stats of build history

  • --period <days>: How many days in a time period to calculate the build stats for (Default: 1)
  • --last <days>: How many periods to calculate back to (Default: 30)
  • --threshold <minutes>: Time under which builds graph is shown in green color. (Default: mean of all the builds in that period)


Display build history

  • --branch <branchName>: Name of the branch to show history for (Defualt: (*))
  • --result <SUCCESSFUL | FAILED | STOPPPED | any>: Result of the branch to show history for. We can display history for multiple results by seperating them with a comma(,). To see history for builds that were either successful or failed use --result SUCCESSFUL,FAILED (Default: (*))
  • --threshold <minutes>: Time under which builds graph is shown in green color. (Default: mean of all the builds in that period)


Display the number of success and failed builds

  • --period <days>: How many days in a time period to display success stats for (Default: 1)
  • --last <days>: How many periods to display success stats for (Default: 30)


Delete the downloaded history of repository


Outputs the directory where data will be cached