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#+TITLE: NHooks
/A hook facility for Common Lisp./
This package holds an enhanced implementation of hooks (extension points). It works similarly to Emacs hooks with crucial improvements:
If the compiler allows it (such as SBCL), type-checking is performed at compile-time and at run-time when adding handlers to a hook.
On failure, multiple restarts are offered, such as disabling the offending handler or simply continuing to the next function.
The hook handler execution order and combination can be customized.
Anonymous functions (lambdas) can be added to hooks as =handler= objects.
When inspecting hooks, readable names are thus exposed instead of lambda blackboxes.
Handlers are compared through their names (through the mandatory =name= slot). A hook can not contain multiple handlers with the same name.
A special provision is taken for "setters", handlers that are meant to set a given place to a given values.
Such =handler= objects can be compared and identified uniquely.
** Example
#+begin_src lisp (let ((hook (make-instance 'nhooks:hook-number->number :handlers (list #'add-1 #'multiply-by-2) :combination #'nhooks:combine-composed-hook))) (nhooks:run-hook hook 17)) ;; => 35 #+end_src
See the [[file:package.lisp][package]] documentation for a usage guide and more examples.
** Road-map
- [ ] Handlers should subclass generic functions and thus be funcallable.
- [ ] Setters could subclass handlers.
** History
This library was originally contributed by the maintainers of the [[https://nyxt-browser.com/][Nyxt]] web browser to [[https://github.com/ruricolist/serapeum][Serapeum]]. Then it got overhauled and backward compatibility broke, so a dedicated library was published instead. The Serapeum contrib is considered deprecated.
** Change log
*** 1.2.2
- Remove =NASDF= as a dependency.
*** 1.2.1
- Major refactoring (turn all the =defmethod=-defined functions into generics).
- =define-hook-type=: New optional =documentation= argument.
*** 1.2.0
- Hooks and handlers are now "funcallable", for instance with =(funcall HOOK ARGS)=.
- =find-handler=: New optional =include-disabled= argument.
- Fix bug when appending handler.
- Add =wait-on= helper.
*** 1.1.1
- Add package documentation.
- Fix bug on CLISP.
*** 1.1.0
- Add =on= and =once-on= helpers.