solid-blocks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
solid-blocks copied to clipboard

UI building blocks for SolidJS.

Results 7 solid-blocks issues
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Maybe intentional? ![image]( cheers

i just did a quick port from svelte to [solidjs-resizable-splitter-component]( the code (js + css) is rather hacky ... but it works ; ) maybe add this to solid-blocks?

Vite gives multiple errors: ``` Error when evaluating SSR module /src/routes/index.tsx: failed to import "solid-blocks" Error when evaluating SSR module /node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/solid-start/root/FileRoutes.tsx: failed to import "/src/routes/index.tsx" Error when evaluating SSR module...

How and from where do I import the components? `Module "solid-blocks" has no exported member "..."`

I have following modal code: ``` {({open, toggle}) => { return Open Header ✕ ; }} ``` but modal opens `` component run twice.

I was just playing around on the demo of ` ` 1. Enable 'allowMultiple' 2. Open >1 Accordions 3. Disable 'allowMultiple' 4. Now we get 3 behaviours: -a : cannot...