pubg_mobile_memory_hacking_examples copied to clipboard
Pubg Mobile Emulator Gameloop Memory Hacking C++ code examples. Ex: Name, Coord, Bones, Weapons, Items, Box, Drop etc.
Pubg Mobile Gameloop ESP Source
SORRY folks. My previous discord account was closed due to hacking.
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Pubg Mobile Emulator Gameloop Memory Hacking C++ code examples. Ex: Name, Coord, Bones, Weapons, Items, Box, Drop etc.
I just created this quickly. Then text not pretty good.
I not share project. because i cant share bypass methos. I just share how can you find detas in memory
Just Examples
Hi dear visitor. Its not hacking app or shared app. It just example codes pool. I will push here simples code about what i know and what i experied on pubg memory hacking. My purpose is find again if i forget or if some one need it, he can find it.
What I do
I used C++, and used SFML library
I have find patterns and ofsets about pubg gameloop
- ESP source for PUBGM v0.17.0 on Gameloop
Author : xiderowg
Link :
i start with xiderowg's source
it was C#.
i created c++ project and used his pattern and offsets - BypaPH - Process Hacker's bypass (read/write any process virtual memory & kernel mem)
Author : harakirinox
Link :
Whats my news
- Vehicle HP
- Vehicle Fuel
- PlayerDeadInventoryBox
- PlayerDeadInventoryBox Items
- Airdrop Items
You can see my codes and offsets ESP Source File
Whats defferent between Gameloop/Smartgaga and LDPlayer/Memu
As xiderowg's says on
Gameloop is based on AOW/QEMU Engine, while LDPlayer is using VirtualBox, these offsets and pattern may not be applicable to LDPlayer.
Pubg Mobile Entity Offsets
Player Details
Player Details
DWORD NavMesh = dGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 312);
Entities[i]->position = v3fGet(NavMesh + 0x150);
Entities[i]->velocity = v3fGet(NavMesh + 0x1A0);
Entities[i]->playerWorld = dGet(entityAddv + 0x138);
// Thats UFT16 wchar
strcpy(Entities[i]->playerName, strGet(dGet(entityAddv + 0x5E8), iGet(entityAddv + 0x5EC) * 2));
strcpy(Entities[i]->playerFlag, strGet(dGet(entityAddv + 0x5F4), 4));
strcpy(Entities[i]->playerID, strGet(dGet(entityAddv + 0x604), 22));
Entities[i]->playerStatus = iGet(Entities[i]->playerWorld + 0x364);
Entities[i]->playerTeamId = iGet(entityAddv + 0x610);
Entities[i]->itsMe = 0;
if(entityAddv == uMyObject){
myTeamID = Entities[i]->playerTeamId;
MeEntity = Entities[i];
Entities[i]->itsMe = 1;
Entities[i]->itsFriend = 0;
if(myTeamID == Entities[i]->playerTeamId){
Entities[i]->itsFriend = 1;
Entities[i]->playerIsBot = iGet(entityAddv + 0x2B4) == 0 ? true : false;
DWORD tmpAddv = dGet(entityAddv + 0x308);
Entities[i]->bodyAddv = tmpAddv + 0x140;
Entities[i]->boneAddv = dGet(tmpAddv + 0x580) + 0x30;
Entities[i]->rotation = fGet(Entities[i]->playerWorld + 0x128); // ROTATE
/* PSOE Ites not ineger, bytes, but we will read as integer.
1144306736 standing
1143847984 crouched
1143684144 creep */
Entities[i]->playerPose = iGet(Entities[i]->playerWorld + 0x130);
Entities[i]->playerHealth.max = fGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x77C);
Entities[i]->playerHealth.cur = fGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x778);
Entities[i]->playerEnergy.max = fGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x1408);
Entities[i]->playerEnergy.cur = fGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x140C);
DWORD weaponsCapsule = dGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x12C);
Entities[i]->playerIsAttacking = false;
for(int w = 0; w < 4; w++){
DWORD weaponBase = dGet(weaponsCapsule + w * 4);
DWORD weaponAmmoBase = dGet(weaponBase + 0x54);
Entities[i]->playerWeapons[w].activity = iGet(weaponBase + 0xDC);
Entities[i]->playerWeapons[w].state = iGet(weaponBase + 0x4C0);
Entities[i]->playerWeapons[w].entityId = iGet(dGet(weaponBase + 0x4BC) + 0xC0);
Entities[i]->playerWeapons[w].maxAmmo = iGet(weaponAmmoBase + 0x7D4);
Entities[i]->playerWeapons[w].curAmmo = iGet(weaponAmmoBase + 0x7D0);
// Bones
Entities[i]->boneActor = vectorBoneRead(Entities[i]->bodyAddv);
for(int b = 0; b < 15; b++){
Entities[i]->playerBones[b] = getPlayerBone(Entities[i]->boneAddv, Entities[i]->boneActor, i, b);
Vehicle Details
DWORD NavMesh = dGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 312);
Entities[i]->position = v3fGet(NavMesh + 0x150);
Entities[i]->velocity = v3fGet(dGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x54) + 0x78);
DWORD vehicleCommon = dGet(dGet(Entities[i]->entityAddv + 0x54) + 0x4D8);
Entities[i]->vehicleHealth.max = fGet(vehicleCommon + 0x108);
Entities[i]->vehicleHealth.cur = fGet(vehicleCommon + 0x10C);
Entities[i]->vehicleFuel.max = fGet(vehicleCommon + 0x120);
Entities[i]->vehicleFuel.cur = fGet(vehicleCommon + 0x124);
Inventory Details
int boxItemCount = iGet(entityAddv + 0x440);
Entities[i]->inventoryItemCount = 0;
if(boxItemCount < 60){
DWORD itemEntry = iGet(entityAddv + 0x43C);
if(itemEntry > 50000){
for(int h = 0; h < boxItemCount; h++){
DWORD itemAddv = itemEntry + h * 48;
Entities[i]->inventoryItems[Entities[i]->inventoryItemCount].entityId = iGet(itemAddv + 0x4);
if(Entities[i]->inventoryItems[Entities[i]->inventoryItemCount].entityId > 0){
Entities[i]->inventoryItems[Entities[i]->inventoryItemCount].count = iGet(itemAddv + 0x18);
Item Details
Item Types
1 : Loot - Item
2 : InventoryBox or AirDrop
5 : Vehicle
8 : Player
entityId | itemType | className | displayName |
103003 | 1 | BP_Sniper_AWM_Wrapper_C | AWM |
103010 | 1 | BP_Sniper_QBU_Wrapper_C | QBU |
103009 | 1 | BP_Sniper_SLR_Wrapper_C | SLR |
103004 | 1 | BP_Sniper_SKS_Wrapper_C | SKS |
103006 | 1 | BP_Sniper_Mini14_Wrapper_C | Mini14 |
103002 | 1 | BP_Sniper_M24_Wrapper_C | M24 |
103001 | 1 | BP_Sniper_Kar98k_Wrapper_C | Kar98k |
103005 | 1 | BP_Sniper_VSS_Wrapper_C | VSS |
103008 | 1 | BP_Sniper_Win94_Wrapper_C | Win94 |
103003 | 7 | BP_Sniper_AWM_C | AWM_C |
101006 | 7 | BP_Rifle_AUG_C | AUG |
101008 | 1 | BP_Rifle_M762_Wrapper_C | M762 |
101003 | 1 | BP_Rifle_SCAR_Wrapper_C | SCAR-L |
101004 | 1 | BP_Rifle_M416_Wrapper_C | M416 |
101002 | 1 | BP_Rifle_M16A4_Wrapper_C | M16A-4 |
101009 | 1 | BP_Rifle_Mk47_Wrapper_C | Mk47 Mutant |
101010 | 1 | BP_Rifle_G36_Wrapper_C | G36C |
101007 | 1 | BP_Rifle_QBZ_Wrapper_C | QBZ |
101001 | 1 | BP_Rifle_AKM_Wrapper_C | AKM |
101005 | 1 | BP_Rifle_Groza_Wrapper_C | Groza |
101006 | 1 | BP_Rifle_AUG_Wrapper_C | AUG_A3 |
104003 | 1 | BP_ShotGun_S12K_Wrapper_C | S12K |
104004 | 1 | BP_ShotGun_DP12_Wrapper_C | DBS |
104001 | 1 | BP_ShotGun_S686_Wrapper_C | S686 |
104002 | 1 | BP_ShotGun_S1897_Wrapper_C | S1897 |
106006 | 1 | BP_ShotGun_SawedOff_Wrapper_C | SawedOff |
102005 | 1 | BP_MachineGun_PP19_Wrapper_C | PP19Bizon |
102004 | 1 | BP_MachineGun_TommyGun_Wrapper_C | TommyGun |
102007 | 1 | BP_MachineGun_MP5K_Wrapper_C | MP5K |
102002 | 1 | BP_MachineGun_UMP9_Wrapper_C | UMP9 |
102003 | 1 | BP_MachineGun_Vector_Wrapper_C | Vector |
102001 | 1 | BP_MachineGun_Uzi_Wrapper_C | Uzi |
106003 | 1 | BP_Pistol_R1895_Wrapper_C | R1895 |
106008 | 1 | BP_Pistol_Vz61_Wrapper_C | Vz61 |
106001 | 1 | BP_Pistol_P92_Wrapper_C | P92 |
106004 | 1 | BP_Pistol_P18C_Wrapper_C | P18C |
106005 | 1 | BP_Pistol_R45_Wrapper_C | R45 |
106002 | 1 | BP_Pistol_P1911_Wrapper_C | P1911 |
106010 | 1 | BP_Pistol_DesertEagle_Wrapper_C | DesertEagle |
108003 | 1 | BP_WEP_Sickle_Pickup_C | Sickle |
108001 | 1 | BP_WEP_Machete_Pickup_C | Machete |
107001 | 1 | BP_WEP_Cowbar_Pickup_C | Levye |
108004 | 1 | BP_WEP_Pan_Pickup_C | Pan |
103007 | 1 | BP_WEP_Mk14_Pickup_C | Mk14 |
108004 | 7 | BP_WEP_Pan_C | Pan_C |
302001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_762mm_Pickup_C | 7.62 |
305001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_45ACP_Pickup_C | 45ACP |
303001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_556mm_Pickup_C | 5.56 |
301001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_9mm_Pickup_C | 9mm |
306001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_300Magnum_Pickup_C | 300Magnum |
304001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_12Guage_Pickup_C | 12Guage |
307001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_Bolt_Pickup_C | Arbalet Oku |
201004 | 1 | BP_QK_Mid_FlashHider_Pickup_C | Alev Gizl (Haf. Mak..) |
201010 | 1 | BP_QK_Large_FlashHider_Pickup_C | Alev Gizl (Oto.) |
201009 | 1 | BP_QK_Large_Compensator_Pickup_C | Otomatik Kompensator |
201004 | 1 | BP_QK_Mid_Compensator_Pickup_C | Kompensator (Haf.Mak.) |
205002 | 1 | BP_QT_A_Pickup_C | Taktik Dipcik |
201012 | 1 | BP_QK_DuckBill_Pickup_C | Duckbill (Pompalı) |
201005 | 1 | BP_QK_Sniper_FlashHider_Pickup_C | Alev Gizl. Sniper |
201006 | 1 | BP_QK_Mid_Suppressor_Pickup_C | Susturucu (Haf. Mak. Tabanca) |
205003 | 1 | BP_QT_Sniper_Pickup_C | Chekpad Sniper |
201001 | 1 | BP_QK_Choke_Pickup_C | Choke |
205001 | 1 | BP_QT_UZI_Pickup_C | Dipcik (Micro UZI) |
201003 | 1 | BP_QK_Sniper_Compensator_Pickup_C | Sniper Kompensator |
201007 | 1 | BP_QK_Sniper_Suppressor_Pickup_C | Susuturucu Sniper |
201011 | 1 | BP_QK_Large_Suppressor_Pickup_C | Susuturucu Oto. |
204009 | 1 | BP_DJ_Sniper_EQ_Pickup_C | Hc.Uz.Snip.Sarjor |
204004 | 1 | BP_DJ_Mid_E_Pickup_C | Uz.Haf.Sarjor |
204005 | 1 | BP_DJ_Mid_Q_Pickup_C | Hc.Haf.Sarjor |
204007 | 1 | BP_DJ_Sniper_E_Pickup_C | Uz.Snip.Sarjor |
204008 | 1 | BP_DJ_Sniper_Q_Pickup_C | Hc.Snip.Sarjor |
204012 | 1 | BP_DJ_Large_Q_Pickup_C | Hc.Oto.Sarjor |
204013 | 1 | BP_DJ_Large_EQ_Pickup_C | Hc.Uz.Oto.Sarjor |
204011 | 1 | BP_DJ_Large_E_Pickup_C | Uz.Oto.Sarjor |
204006 | 1 | BP_DJ_Mid_EQ_Pickup_C | Hc.Uz.Haf.Sarjor |
205004 | 1 | BP_ZDD_Crossbow_Q_Pickup_C | Sadak (Arbalet) |
204014 | 1 | BP_ZDD_Sniper_Pickup_C | Mermilik |
203005 | 1 | BP_MZJ_8X_Pickup_C | 8x |
203003 | 1 | BP_MZJ_2X_Pickup_C | 2x |
203001 | 1 | BP_MZJ_HD_Pickup_C | Lazer |
203014 | 1 | BP_MZJ_3X_Pickup_C | 3X |
203002 | 1 | BP_MZJ_QX_Pickup_C | Holo |
203015 | 1 | BP_MZJ_6X_Pickup_C | 6x |
203004 | 1 | BP_MZJ_4X_Pickup_C | 4x |
105002 | 1 | BP_Other_DP28_Wrapper_C | DP28 |
107001 | 1 | BP_Other_CrossBow_Wrapper_C | Arbalet |
105001 | 1 | BP_Other_M249_Wrapper_C | M249 |
501006 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv3_C | Canta 3 |
501006 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv3_B_C | Canta 3 |
501004 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv1_C | Canta 1 |
501004 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv1_B_C | Canta 1 |
501005 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv2_C | Canta 2 |
501005 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv2_B_C | Canta 2 |
503002 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Armor_Lv2_C | Yelek 2 |
503002 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Armor_Lv2_B_C | Yelek 2 |
503001 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Armor_Lv1_C | Yelek 1 |
503001 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Armor_Lv1_B_C | Yelek 1 |
503003 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Armor_Lv3_C | Yelek 3 |
503003 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Armor_Lv3_B_C | Yelek 3 |
502002 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv2_C | Kask 2 |
502002 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv2_B_C | Kask 2 |
502001 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv1_C | Kask 1 |
502001 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv1_B_C | Kask 1 |
502003 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv3_C | Kask 3 |
502003 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv3_B_C | Kask 3 |
0 | 5 | BP_VH_Buggy_2_C | Buggy |
0 | 5 | BP_VH_Buggy_3_C | Buggy |
0 | 5 | BP_VH_Tuk_1_C | Tuk |
602004 | 1 | BP_Grenade_Shoulei_Weapon_Wrapper_C | Grenade |
0 | 1 | BP_Grenade_Shoulei_C | Bomb! |
602002 | 1 | BP_Grenade_Smoke_Weapon_Wrapper_C | Smoke |
602003 | 1 | BP_Grenade_Burn_Weapon_Wrapper_C | Molotof |
0 | 1 | BP_Grenade_Burn_C | Burn! |
602002 | 0 | BP_Grenade_Smoke_C | Smoke! |
602005 | 1 | BP_Grenade_Apple_Weapon_Wrapper_C | Apple |
601003 | 1 | Pills_Pickup_C | Painkiller |
601002 | 1 | Injection_Pickup_C | Adrenaline Syringe |
601001 | 1 | Drink_Pickup_C | Energy Drink |
601005 | 1 | Firstaid_Pickup_C | FirstaidKit |
601004 | 1 | Bandage_Pickup_C | Bandage |
0 | 8 | BP_PlayerPawn_C | BP_PlayerPawn_C |
0 | 8 | BP_PlayerPawn_ZNQ_C | BP_PlayerPawn_ZNQ_C |
202006 | 1 | BP_WB_ThumbGrip_Pickup_C | Basparmaklik |
202007 | 1 | BP_WB_Lasersight_Pickup_C | Silah Lazeri |
202001 | 1 | BP_WB_Angled_Pickup_C | Acili El Tutamagi |
202004 | 1 | BP_WB_LightGrip_Pickup_C | Hafif Tutamak |
0 | 1 | BP_WB_HalfGrip_Pickup_C | Yarım Tutamak |
202002 | 1 | BP_WB_Vertical_Pickup_C | DikeyTutamac |
0 | 5 | VH_Motorcycle_C | Motor |
0 | 5 | VH_Motorcycle_1_C | Motor |
0 | 5 | Mirado_open_4_C | Mirado Open |
0 | 5 | VH_Dacia_C | Toros |
0 | 5 | VH_Dacia_1_C | Toros |
0 | 5 | VH_Dacia_4_C | Toros |
0 | 5 | Rony_01_C | Rony |
0 | 5 | VH_Snowmobile_C | Snowmobile |
0 | 5 | Mirado_close_3_C | Mirado Blue |
0 | 5 | LadaNiva_01_C | Lada Niva |
0 | 5 | VH_Scooter_C | Scooter |
0 | 5 | VH_BRDM_C | Tank |
0 | 5 | PickUp_02_C | PickUp |
0 | 5 | VH_MiniBus_01_C | MiniBus |
0 | 5 | VH_MotorcycleCart_C | Motor 3Teker |
0 | 5 | VH_MotorcycleCart_1_C | Motor 3Teker |
0 | 5 | VH_Snowbike_C | Snowbike |
0 | 5 | VH_PG117_C | Boat |
0 | 5 | VH_UAZ01_C | UAZ1 |
0 | 5 | VH_UAZ02_C | UAZ2 |
0 | 5 | VH_UAZ03_C | UAZ2 |
0 | 5 | VH_UAZ04_C | UAZ2 |
0 | 2 | AquaRail_1_C | JetSki |
106007 | 1 | BP_Pistol_Flaregun_Wrapper_C | Flaregun |
0 | 1 | BP_AirDropBox_C | AirDrop |
0 | 1 | BP_AirDropPlane_C | Plane |
0 | 1 | PlayerDeadInventoryBox_C | Player Box |
603001 | 1 | GasCan_Destructible_Pickup_C | Benzin |
0 | 2 | PickUpListWrapperActor | Create Box |
0 | 5 | VH_Dacia_2_C | Toros |
0 | 5 | VH_Dacia_3_C | Toros |
3000312 | 1 | BP_GameCoin_Pickup_C | GameCoin |
0 | 1 | BP_BlindBoxMachine_C | BlindBoxMachine |
0 | 1 | BP_MiniGameMachine_C | MiniGameMachine |
0 | 1 | BP_Grenade_ColorBall_C | ColorBall |
0 | 2 | AirDropListWrapperActor | AirDrop |
601006 | 1 | FirstAidbox_Pickup_C | Medkit |
308001 | 1 | BP_Ammo_Flare_Pickup_C | Flaregun |
501003 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv3_Inbox_C | Canta 3 |
501002 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv2_Inbox_C | Canta 2 |
501001 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Bag_Lv1_Inbox_C | Canta 1 |
201002 | 1 | BP_QK_Mid_Compensator_Inbox_C | Kompensator (Haf.Mak.) |
502005 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Helmet_Lv2_Inbox_C | Kask 2 |
403989 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Ghillie_4_C | Suit - Arctic |
403045 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Ghillie_1_C | Suit - Woodland |
403187 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Ghillie_2_C | Suit - Desert |
403188 | 1 | PickUp_BP_Ghillie_3_C | Suit - Desert |
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Amiral Router!