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MacOS Dotfiles

Pywal Compliant Float or Tile Third Party App Support
Color Scheme Floating preview Spotify Theme
Wallpaper 1 Floating on workspace 5,6 Spotify Preview
Tiling Preview No Gaps Tiling Markdown Live Preview
Wallpaper 2 Toggle No Gaps Markdown Preview

Here is my dotfiles, more previews are in the preview folder

Table of Contents

You're sections headers will be used to reference location of destination.

  • Features
  • Bindings
  • Pre-Install
  • How To Use


  • Pywal Compliant
  • Full Vim Config
  • Übersicht Bar
  • Spotify Theme
  • Alacritty Theme
  • Firefox Theme
  • VSCode Theme
  • Tiling Window Manager (Yabai)
  • Hotkeys (skhd)
  • ZSH Shell Config
  • Useful Shell Scripts
  • Picture in picture mode
  • toggle on and off gaps & borders

yeah... I know, its pretty bloated


Vim Bindings

For neovim, I use the extremely well made Vim Reaper bindings, made by GideonWolfe, for information about binds within vim, please refer to the Vim Reaper Repository.

Launch App

App Key Map
Alacritty cmd + return
Visual Studio shift + cmd + return
Firefox alt + return


Bind Key Map Description
focus left alt + left sends focus to left window
focus right alt + right sends focus to right window
focus up alt + up sends focus to window above
focus down alt + down sends focus to window below
focus space alt + # focusses space where # is a number

Window Switching

Bind Key Map Description
switch left shift + alt + left switches with window to the left
switch right shift + alt + right switches with window to the right
switch up shift + alt + up switches with window above
switch down shift + alt + down switches with window below
throw window shift + alt + # throws the focussed window to a new space

Window Changes

Bind Key Map Description
increase left shift + alt + a increase size in left direction
increase right shift + alt + d increase size in right direction
increase up shift + alt + w increase size in upward direction
increase down shift + alt + s increase size in downward direction
decrease left shift + cmd + a decrease size in left direction
decrease right shift + cmd + d decrease size in right direction
decrease up shift + cmd + w decrease size in upward direction
decrease down shift + cmd + s decrease size in downward direction
move left shift + ctrl + a move floating window left
move right shift + ctrl + d move floating window right
move up shift + ctrl + w move floating window up
move down shift + ctrl + s move floating window down

Tmux Bindings

We will use leader + x to indicate that we are wanting both to be pressed at the same time, and use leader - x to indicate that we press leader and then the following key

Bind Key Map Description
leader key ctrl + space this is the first key pressed ti initiate tmux binds (like neovim)
new window leader - c this will spawn a shell on a new 'tab/buffer'
next window leader - n goes to the next buffer in the cycle
previous window leader - p goes to the last buffer in the cycle
horizontal split leader - shift + \ will create a vertical line and split into two shells
vertical split leader - - will create a horizontal line and split vertically
resize pane leader + arrow keys to resize in all directions

In the config, you can uncomment if you want to have vim bindings for these basic movements

Misc Binds

Bind Key Map Description
toggle gaps alt + a toggles gaps on and off, will respect the Übersicht widget
toggle float alt + t center the window and float
toggle float (2) shift + alt + t center the window and float
toggle border shift + alt + b toggle the focussed window border
picture-in-picture alt + p pressing once will put window in pip, twice will make window sticky
exit pip shift + alt + p takes window out of picture-in-picture
fill parent alt + d takes window to fill its parent container
fullscreen alt + f fills the screen and respects gaps and bar
Stock fullscreen shift + alt + f fills screen with mac's maximise method



  alacritty - terminal emulator

  firefox   - browser
            - you will need the extention firefox called pywalfox in order to theme
            - download tabless extention to put the wallpaper as firefox startup

  spotify   - music player

  Übersicht - top bar (may require additional setup)
            - will have to manually load widgets
            - use my fork of Simplebar to get same bar as mine

  neovim    - will have to launch vim using 'vi' command, then type ':PlugInstall'
              once you do this all symbols should appear, you will need to make sure you are using same font as me to load symbols

  vscode    - will have to install via download, and have to use wal theme

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Installation and Usage

Installation - Thanks a heap to @WarpWing for streamlining this

   /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


In order to apply themes using pywal, we must use the script found in ~/scripts/ This is because the theme needs to be applied to many different things and restart Yabai in order to get applied, we can do this with the following command (assuming you are using my aliases in ~/.zshrc):

    fwall ~/source/to/image.ext

We can also use the following to use fzf of the .wallpaper directory for gruvbox, nord and pywal


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