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Implementation of NvNet


This is an unofficial Pytorch implementation of BraTS_NvNet, based on Andriy Myronenko's paper on MICCAI_BraTS_2018_proceedings_shortPapers


BraTS2018: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2018

The participants are called to address this task by using the provided clinically-acquired training data to develop their method and produce segmentation labels of the different glioma sub-regions. The sub-regions considered for evaluation are: 1) the "enhancing tumor" (ET), 2) the "tumor core" (TC), and 3) the "whole tumor" (WT).

Segmentation Labels:

  • WT: 2
  • TC: 1
  • ET: 4


A combination of Vnet and VAE(variation auto-encoder).

Table 1. Encoder structure, where GN stands for group normalization(with group size of 8), Conv - 3*3*3 convolution, AddId - addition of identity / skip connection. Repeat column shows the number of repetitions of the block.

Name Ops Repeat Output size
Input 4*160*192*128
InitConv Conv 1 32*160*192*128
EncoderBlock0 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 32*160*192*128
EncoderDown1 Conv stride 2 1 64*80*96*64
EncoderBlock1 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 2 64*80*96*64
EncoderDown2 Conv stride 2 1 128*40*48*32
EncoderBlock2 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 2 128*40*48*32
EncoderDown3 Conv stride 2 1 256*20*24*16
EncoderBlock3 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 4 256*20*24*16

Table 2. Decoder structure, where Conv1 stands for 1*1*1 convolution, UpLinear - 3D linear spatial upsampling.

Name Ops Repeat Output size
DecoderUp2 Conv1, UpLinear, +EncoderBlock2 1 128*40*48*32
DecoderBlock2 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 128*40*48*32
DecoderUp1 Conv1, UpLinear, +EncoderBlock1 1 64*80*96*64
DecoderBlock1 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 64*80*96*64
DecoderUp0 Conv1, UpLinear, +EncoderBlock0 1 32*160*192*128
DecoderBlock0 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 32*160*192*128
DecoderEnd Conv1, Sigmoid 1 1*160*192*128

Table 3. VAE decoder branch structure, where Dense stands for fully connected layer.

Name Ops Repeat Output size
VD GN, ReLU, Conv (16) stride 2, Dense (256) 1 256*1
VDraw sample 1 128*1
VU Dense, ReLU, Conv1, UpLinear 1 256*20*24*16
VUp2 Conv1, UpLinear 1 128*40*48*32
VBlock2 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 128*40*48*32
VUp1 Conv1, UpLinear 1 64*80*96*64
VBlock1 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 64*80*96*64
VUp0 Conv1, UpLinear 1 32*160*192*128
VBlock0 GN, ReLU, Conv, GN, ReLU, Conv, AddId 1 32*160*192*128
Vend Conv1 1 4*160*192*128

sample ~ sample


  1. The loss function consists of 3 terms:


  2. L_dice is applied to the decoder output p_pred to match the segmentation mask p_true :


    where summation is voxel-wise, and the epsilon is a small constant to avoid zero division.

  3. L2 is appiled on the VAE branch output I_pred to match the input image I_input :


  4. L_KL is standard VAE penalty term, a KL divergence between the estimated normal distribution est_norm and a prior distribution pri_norm, which has a closed form representation:


    where N is total number of image voxels.

  5. The hyper-parameter weight of 0.1 was empirically set to provide a good balance between dice and VAE loss terms.


python: 3.6.2
pytorch: 0.4.1
pytables: 3.4.4
numpy: 1.13.1
tensorboardX: 1.4
nibabel: 2.3.0
nilearn: 0.4.2
tqdm: 4.26.0
pickle: 0.7.4


  1. data preprocessing:
  • change the directory of brats 2018 training dataset and validation dataset
  • set dataset format
  • run the script:
  1. train model:
  • set training data file path
  • set training parameters
  • run the script:
  1. predict:
  • set validation data file path
  • set model file path
  • run the script:
  1. make submission:
  • set prediction file path
  • set reconstruction parameters
  • run the script:

Implementation Details

  • [x] NvNet
  • [x] Loss
  • [x] DataLoader
  • [x] Train
  • [x] Predict
  • [x] Data Preprocess
  • [x] Make Submission