Alex Thewsey

Results 43 comments of Alex Thewsey

Agree there are credible use cases for just writing `!myvar` (especially e.g. as the last line in a cell to just display a result) - so `!` is probably not...

+1: I've been exploring automation solutions that connect to a JupyterServer through HTTPS REST+WebSocket APIs, and it feels painful to be re-implementing so much (in Python) when there's a reference...

Thanks for raising this @mattmcgiv and for trying out the JS variant! I believe you're right and it's simply a matter of the README being incorrect: Should use the full...

Hi both & thanks for raising this, I've managed to reproduce it when using SAM's (beta) TypeScript Lambda function builder, but am not seeing it when writing TypeScript and just...

Thanks After a closer look, I think we should be able to improve this by aligning the standard entry point to CJS instead of UMD (so `/dist/cjs` not needed). It'd...

Thanks for explaining the background and considering it on the backlog! 😄 My $0.02 is still that the risk of beginners misunderstanding the basics (thinking they need to upload their...

As an interim measure, users could override this behaviour with a patch like this: ```python class PatchedHuggingFaceModel(HuggingFaceModel): """Modified Model class to allow manually setting SM Script Mode env vars""" def...

Thanks for raising this @dgallitelli As discussed offline & detailed further on the linked PR, the integration between `FrameworkProcessor` and `ProcessingStep` is currently broken: The error you see is caused...

`-slow-tests` timed out. `-pr` looks like an unrelated failure that `predictor.delete_model()` in `test_kmeans` should probably be in a try/except in case of timeout?