Andrew Theken
Andrew Theken
I believe that the unit multiplier is incorrect: Currently, it's specified as 72, converting 72pts/in -> 96px/in, we get (4/3)px/pt Did I goof up units?
This is a really interesting concept. It might be worth investigating in what it'd take to support embedding the images via data Uris. this would result in larger source files,...
This is more of a knit-pick based on the RFCs, but MIME requires `\r\n` as the line endings for text. Haraka decodes lines and then uses `\n` instead. When content...
The send with template endpoint requires a template model to be passed when sending a message. However, an "empty" model is OK to use if the template doesn't require any...
As per this feedback: Add an overload for "sendEmail" (and other endpoints that make sense) to accept a Message Object, allowing easier construction of complex message payloads, and less...
There are cases where the Guzzle dependency gets conflicted with users' other dependencies. Remove guzzle as a dependency from Postmark-PHP.
For users that don't wish to use Composer to install/update Postmark-PHP, zip the `vendor` folder for the project and add it to the GH releases info.
Output of `restic version` -------------------------- `restic 0.15.2 compiled with go1.20.3 on darwin/arm64` What should restic do differently? Which functionality do you think we should add? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snapshot enumeration for large...
Hi, this is a very helpful tool, thanks for making it! I saw that you're using GitHub Workflows to publish to, which is great, but I had to piece... Indicates that the package should be published to NuGet based on a successful build. However, the package appears to be @ v3.1.1 on the NuGet site: