Custom_Hand_Gesture_Recognition_and_Control copied to clipboard
Custom Hand Gesture Recognition App to control Desktop applications using Google mediapipe.
Custom Gesture Control Application Guide
➢ This application performs actions ,on desktop/laptop, choosen by user.
➢ Actions are infact key presses which are triggered programatically when a
certain gesture is detected.
➢ User has to select a static/dynamic hand gesture and associate a key press with it.
➢ Follow the steps given to get started.
Getting Started
- To run : Custom_Gesture_Control - > test.exe
How to use application? - Custom Gesture Control Guide
Desktop Application : Custom_Gesture_Control.rar
Working Example:
- Here, 1 (index finger open) is assigned to up arrow key.
- 2 (thumb and index finger open) is assigned to down arrow key.
- We control PowerPoint Slides using above Gestures.
Tools and Frameworks used:
- Google MediaPipe Hands
- Python, OpenCV
- pyQt5 designer
- pyinstaller
Files description:
- : whole application code (including GUI)
- : Independent GUI code. (.ui --> .py)
- pyQt5_designer.ui : UI file generated by pyQt5 designer.
- CGC_Guide : Application Guide.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Action Items
- [ ] Improve Code Readability.
- [ ] Add support for mouse pointer control.
- [ ] Dynamic UI to accommodate more Gesture-Key pairs.
- [ ] Improve and implement Slide dynamic gesture.
- [ ] Support for multiple Static gestures to be associated with single Dynamic movement.