Andy Teucher

Results 136 comments of Andy Teucher

I really love this idea. In my work it is my mission to get people using tools to make their work more reproducible - it can be overwhelming to beginners...

@batpigandme interesting that post is by Will Landau, as he is the [author of drake]( Maybe that was the start of his inspiration for it.

This is a great and i think much-needed project! As discussed in #61, I think some notes in the proposed guide about licensing data distributed in packages would be warranted.

I think we need to make a somewhat major change in how we parse user input into `filter()` to make this work smoothly. Right now we have [some ugly code](

@boshek @stephhazlitt I've made the change. Everything passes nicely locally with the dev version of dbplyr. Haven't started on the documentation yet. The [updates to the test files]( illustrate the...

Thanks @stephhazlitt. I think that the vignettes are actually ok... I did a manual check and precompiled them with the dev version of bcdata and they worked. I think both...

Ok, I've updated one of the vignettes with a simple example... let me know what you think. Unrelated, but I finally figured out how to clean up those spurious `dbQuoteIdentifier`...

Good catch - and it's awful: ``` r library(sf) #> Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.2, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE library(bcdata) #> #> Attaching package: 'bcdata' #> The following...

Thanks @stephhazlitt and @boshek!