
Results 46 comments of atesin

> > Very naive question : Would it be possible and would it lighten your workload to share the code with a few trusted volunteers with web development expertise? >...

i imagine the editor are watching for user puts a comment like `-- page: ` and then separate code in another tab, so the user just need to add or...

hi .... maybe someone already had developed a library for this... but the current website state makes difficult to search for it, there are plenty of reports/suggestions about this, like...

edit: inform language versions AND LIBRARIES, if possible... like `Blip_Buffer` mentioned in this comment:

> For what concerns searching for a cart, that's related to #1575 which is on the To Do list. Also there was a mention of opening the website [here]( which...

please extend this sort/filter to deveolpers page also, if possible ... thanks (... which criteria is used for "top 100 devs"?)