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Validate phone numbers in grails using google's libphonenumber library.

Grails Phonenumbers Plugin

Build Status

This plugin adds phone number validation to grails based on google's libphonenumber ( project.

Getting Started

Install the grails plugin. Add the phoneNumber constraint to fields of type String to validate them with libphonenumber.

class MyDomain {
    String phoneNumber
    static constraints = {
        phoneNumber(phoneNumber: true)

By default, the validator runs in loose mode. This rejects strings that have obvious problems that would prevent them from being parsed as phone numbers.

Region Sensitive Validation

A strict mode is available, uses region specific rules. It ensures that there is at least one region where the phone number is valid. Strict mode can be enabled on an individual field as shown below, or it can be enabled globally by adding grails.plugins.phonenumbers.defaultStrict = true to Config.groovy.

class MyDomain {
    String phoneNumber
    static constraints = {
        phoneNumber(phoneNumber: [strict: true])

The list of regions can be further restricted, either per-field, or globally, as well. By default, the phone number must be valid in any region supported by libphonenumber. To restrict it to one particular region, or set of regions, the allowRegion can be set to a list of two-character country codes. To accept only US phone numbers, set grails.plugins.phonenumbers.defaultAllowedRegions = ['US'] in Config.groovy, or set it in the constraint as follows.

class MyDomain {
    String phoneNumber
    static constraints = {
        phoneNumberField(phoneNumber: [strict: true, allowedRegions: ['US']])

Getting the Region at Validation Time

If the region is available in a country field on the domain object, it can be used by the validator dynamically. allowRegions can be set to a closure returning a country code or list of country codes. The closure delegate will be the domain object being validated. Example:

class MyDomain {
    String country
    String phoneNumber
    static constraints = {
        phoneNumber(phoneNumber: [strict: true, allowedRegions: { -> country }])

Formatting Phone Numbers

PhoneNumberService exposes a simple format method for reformatting phone number strings. For Example:

class MyDomain {
    def phoneNumberService

    String phoneNumber

    void setPhoneNumber(String val) {
        phoneNumber = phoneNumberService?.format(val) ?: val

Phone Number Geolocation

PhoneNumberService also provides a geolocation service that can determine the country and region from phone number strings. For Example:

class MyDomain {
    def phoneNumberService

    String phoneNumber
    String geoCountryName
    String geoCountryCode
    String geoDescription

    void setPhoneNumber(String val) {
        phoneNumber = phoneNumberService?.format(val) ?: val
        def geolocationInfo = phoneNumberService?.geolocate(val)
        if (geolocationInfo) {
            geoCountryName = geolocationInfo?.country
            geoCountryCode = Locale.availableLocales.find { it.displayCountry == geoCountryName }?.country
            geoDescription = geolocationInfo?.description

Using PhoneNumberUtil Directly

The phonenumbers plugin publishes the PhoneNumberUtil object as a spring bean so it can be autowired into your controllers and services. Define a field called phoneNumberUtil and it will be automatically initialized by spring.

class MyController {
    def phoneNumberUtil


  • GSP tag for javascript AsYouTypeFormatter

See Also