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[New Video Request]: Array methods with examples and with ES6 syntax
Hey There,
You can request a video in the areas of,
- Web Development(JavaScript, React, CSS, HTML, many more) JavaScript
- Jamstack
- Content Creation/Blogging
- Career
Please provide the answer to the questions below to get started:
Suggest a Topic Name Array functions and respective ES6 syntax
What do you want to Learn(Please provide some pointers)? Most of the JavaScript programmers/ UI dev deal with an array of objects in their day-to-day development work. It would be great if we have a single video/ UI which talks about it.
How soon do you need this video tutorial? (Give minimum a couple of weeks) At your convenience.
Do you want to see your name, social handle as a requester in the Video Description? (If yes, please mention the full name, social handle, etc.) Nagarjun Shroff
Note: Please be polite while raising the request. The creator has all the rights to accept/reject a request. There is no strong commitment made by the creator to publish a requested video within any given time frame.