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Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source applications 🌈

Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source applications


List of awesome open source applications written in Ruby and Rails. The main goal of this repository is to find free open source Ruby and Rails apps and start contributing 🚀 . Feel free to Contribute to the list, any suggestions are welcome!


  • cool ruby gem
  • real-world production app
  • CMS
  • Tutorial
  • Terminal app
  • boilerplate
  • backend with rails
  • clone of real-world startup/company
  • website
  • ide
  • ecommerce
  • ....


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  • 🔥 new/hot/cool
  • 👴 old
  • ✅ real-world project
  • 🚀 super duper cool

note: Rails versions of these apps are valid as the date of latest commit. They are defined in their Gemfile and/or Gemfile.lock and they might be outdated. If you see some old project, don't worry cuz the structure of file are same , just some syntax tweak.

perfect combination: 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Happy Exploring 🤘


  • mastodon - Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • manageiq - ManageIQ is an open-source Management Platform that delivers the insight, control, and automation that enterprises need to address the challenges of managing hybrid IT environments. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Gitlab - The canonical source of GitLab where all development takes place is hosted on 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Lobsters - Computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - The code powering and 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Diaspora - A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • autolab - Course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments. 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • bluedoc - An open-source document management tool for enterprise self host. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • astuto - 🦊 A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • Chaskiq - A full featured Live Chat, Support & Marketing platform 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Chatwoot - Open-source live chat software, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • monocle - Link and news sharing 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • openstreetmap - The Rails application that powers OpenStreetMap 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • OpenFarm - A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. You can grow anything! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Openfoodnetwork - Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • AirBnb
      • airbnb_clone - Airbnb clone with React, Redux, and Rails backend. Allows users to sign up, find listings, book a stay and much more! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • AllRecipes
      • SomeRecipes - Full-stack single-page application inspired by AllRecipes built on Ruby on Rails, React, and Redux 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • BrainScape
      • HyperLearn - Web app inspired by BrainScape flashcard studying platform to demonstrate React.js + Rails 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • Change-App - Round-Up App to make a change in the world! 🔥 ✅
    • Discord
      • Discoded - Clone of Discord 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Ebay
      • iBuy - Full stack, SPA Ebay clone built with React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, & PostgreSQL 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Etsy
      • etsaclone - a single-page e-commerce web application that's inspired by Etsy. 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • EventBrite
      • EventListenr - a single-page web application inspired by Eventbrite 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • eventlite - Eventbrite clone 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Evernote
      • PandaNote - PandaNote is an Evernote clone that uses a Rails backend with a React frontend 👴 ✅ 🚀
      • Whenevernote - Full-stack web application inspired by Evernote built using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • Facebook
      • acebook - Acebook is a clone of Facebook featuring profiles from professional poker players. 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • Flickr
      • Flipr - Full stack clone of Flickr using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Genius
      • genius - So-Genius, a lyrics-annotation and discussion site using React.js, Rails and PostgresQL 👴 ✅
      • Annotator - Genius clone using a rails backend and react frontend 👴 🚀
    • gomoodboard
      • moonboard - A moodboard inspired by gomoodboard. Built with Rails and Vue.js. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Indiegogo
      • Greenhouse - Greenhouse is a full-stack clone of Indiegogo, built with Ruby on Rails and React.js 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Instagram
      • instants - Instants is a full-stack web application inspired by Instagram. 🔥 ✅
      • Instaqram - Instagram like, built with Rails 5.1, Webpacker, React, GraphQL, ApolloClient, Redux, ReactRouter, MaterialUI 👴 ✅
      • clone_instagram - web application inspired by Instagram for following the other users and sharing pictures. It was built using Ruby on Rails backend with PostgreSQL database and a React/Redux frontend. 👴 ✅
    • KickStarter
      • SocialBusinessStarter - A KickStarter clone built with Rails and React/Redux 👴 ✅ 🚀
      • Quickstarter - A single-page app inspired by Kickstarter that lets you start and fund projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • kicker - A full-stack website clone of Kickstarter built using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React, and Redux. 🔥 ✅
      • Crank-starter - A single-page app inspired by Kickstarter. Ruby on Rails backend, React/Redux frontend 👴 ✅
    • Medium
      • Nformd - Nformd is a web application inspired by Medium that was built using Ruby on Rails and React.js. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • medium - Medium clone built with Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅
      • Medio - A full-stack web application inspired by Medium utilizing Ruby on Rails, React.js and Redux 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • Graphql-Medium-Clone - GraphQL API of a Medium clone. Ready to use in your front end application 🔥 ✅
      • Message-Medium - A storytelling platform inspired by Medium 👴 🔥 ✅
      • ThinkPiece - A blogging website inspired by Medium 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • MeetUp
      • wiigo - A 'Meetup' clone made with Ruby on Rails and React/Redux. 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • Netflix
      • spaceflix - Spaceflix is a pixel-perfect clone of Netflix 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Quora
      • quora - Quora clone write in Ruby on Rails. 👴 ✅
    • Reddit
      • Lamernews - Lamer news is an implementation of a Reddit / Hacker News style news web site written using Ruby, Sinatra, Redis and jQuery. 👴 🚀
      • Freddit - Reddit clone built using Rails and React/Flux. Just for fun! 👴 ✅
    • RobinHood
      • Mr.Hood - Robinhood inspired stock-trading full stack application using Rails, PostgreSQL, React.js, and Redux 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • robinhoops - A web-based game that appeals to both fantasy sport junkies and Wall Street traders who want to bet on professional athletes 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Slack
      • Leeway - A Slack clone implemented using a Rails backend and React/Redux frontend framework. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Spotify
      • DownBeat - a Spotify inspired web application streaming music player-- Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, and PostgreSQL 👴 ✅
    • Strava
      • lucha - Strava clone app with a (slight) Spanish flavor. It uses a Rails/PostgreSQL backend, React.js and Redux on the frontend, and the Google Maps API for map interactivity. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Todoist
      • todoist-tribute - Todoist clone, written in Rails + Vue 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • open_todoist - Open source project inspired on 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Trello
      • trello - A Trello clone made in Ruby on Rails and Vue.js 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • trello-clone - Project management boards with draggable lists and cards. Built with Rails and Vue.js 🔥 ✅
      • tasky - Kanban-style task manager on Ruby On Rails / React 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • micro-trello - Trello Clone in 9 commits. Lists have many tasks. Sort lists, tasks. Move tasks between lists 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • kanban - Kanban 看板 is a Trello clone in Rails and Backbone.js 👴 ✅
    • Tumblr
      • keepScrolling - Fullstack web application inspired by Tumblr. 🔥 ✅
    • Twitter
      • Microvers-RoR-Capstone - This app behaves as a Twitter-lite app. It allows users to follow and unfollow other users 🔥 🚀
    • Twitch
      • - A full-stack clone of the popular video game streaming service 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Udemy
      • edurge - Most advanced Udemy clone using Ruby on Rails 5. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Yelp
      • Kelp - React/Redux and Rails app inspired by Yelp 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • Findaloo - a Yelp-inspired web application designed to help New Yorkers find free and convenient restrooms in their local neighborhoods 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • Youtube
      • WatchTube - A video-streaming and sharing single-page web app based on YouTube, built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux 👴 ✅ 🚀
      • watchpoll - Watch a youtube playlist with others, and vote on the next video to be played democratically! 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Awesome App

  • theodinproject - Main Website for The Odin Project 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • pageflow - Multimedia story telling for the web. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • railscasts - This is the source code for the RailsCasts site. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Devdocs - combines multiple developer documentations in a clean and organized web UI 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Onebody - OneBody was open-source, web-based social networking, email list, online directory, and lightweight document management software for churches. 🔥 ✅
  • doesmystartupideasuck - Innovation incubation/Ideation platform. Share & discuss ideas. Vote for the best ones 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • archivesspace - The ArchivesSpace archives management tool 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Hugin - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mersea - Web app to manage and visualise geolocalized waste report 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • quick_search - A responsive (phone, tablet, desktop) full stack web application that allows user to quick filter a list of campgrounds using National Park Service's open public API to pull campground-related data. 🔥
  • - A social network of lifelong learners built around humanity's universal learning map.
  • Poemist - A web application for creating and sharing found poems. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • modern-datatables - They are many ways to build reactive web interfaces but do we really need to add the complexity of JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js or React? 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kaiju - A drag and drop web editor for React components. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Diveboard - Main Diveboard Rails app 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • open-flights - A flight reviews app built with Ruby on Rails and React.js 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • palindrome_app - A palindrome detector Sinatra App 🔥
  • intelilex - Website with contact form 🔥
  • Cards-Against-the-internet - a clone web application of card game, Cards Against Humanity designed for online play. 🔥 ✅
  • polynews - AI enhanced news aggregation 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • illacceptanything - The project where literally anything* goes. 🔥
  • real-world-rails - Real World Rails applications and their open source codebases for developers to learn from 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • css-only-chat - A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • enigma-chat - Real-time chat app that allows you to send encrypted messages using the World War II era Enigma encryption scheme. 👴 ✅


  • code_fund_ads - CodeFund is an open source platform that helps fund maintainers, bloggers, and builders through non-tracking ethical ads 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Hypercable - Hypercable Analytics is a fully featured high performance scalable alternative to Google Analytics, build with timescaledb openresty redis and rails. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • abalone - A data tracking and analytics app for abalone conservation efforts. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • annict - The platform for anime addicts built with Rails and Stimulus.js. 🔥 🚀


  • art-book-app - 🖼 ArtBook is a full-stack web app for exploring art portfolios. Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React+Redux. 🔥 🚀

Background Job

  • Sidekiq - Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • timeoverflow - 🏦 ⌛ A time banking system 🔥 ✅ 🚀



  • Jekyll - 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • forem - Forem is open source software for building communities that powers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • listed - Create an online publication with automatic email newsletters 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • enki - A Ruby on Rails blogging app for the fashionable developer. It's better than Mephisto or SimpleLog 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • til - Today I Learned MagmaLab's Server Implementation 🔥 🚀
  • transformative - IndieWeb personal website software. 🔥 🚀
  • Publify - A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails. 🔥 ✅
  • Nanoc - A powerful web publishing system 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • hexopress - A tiny blogging platform that lets you write posts in Google Docs and syncs with a Google Drive directory. 🔥 ✅
  • haven - Self-hostable private blogging 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • relay-rails-blog - A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. 👴 ✅
  • Runtaoblr - A social blogging web application made with Ruby on Rails and React/Redux 👴 ✅
  • toto - the 10 second blog-engine for hackers 👴 🚀
  • portfolio - A blog and Portfolio CMS built with Rails, React, Redux, Material-UI, CSS Modules. 👴 🚀
  • octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed toolkit for writing and deploying Jekyll blogs. Pretty sweet, huh? 👴
    • CMS
      • Storytime - Storytime is a Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content. 🔥 ✅
    • Engine
      • picco_blog - PiccoBlog is a simple Ruby on Rails markdown blog engine 🔥


  • StackBox - Create app stacks loaded with all your favourite clients, services and infra along with code boilerplates in under 5 mins. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • jumpstart - Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Rails
    • Suspenders (thoughtbot) - A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • rails-template (mattbrictson) - Application template for Rails 6 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity. 🔥
    • rails-template (dao42) - A best & newest & fastest rails 6.x template for senior rails developer. 🔥
    • rails-templates (lewagon) - Jump start your Rails development with Le Wagon best practices 🔥
    • rails-composer - An application template that creates starter applications for Rails. 🔥
  • Docker
  • React + Rails
    • react-webpack-rails-tutorial - Example of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! 🔥 🚀
    • react-rails-example-app - Minimal basic demonstration React-Rails sample application using Webpacker 🔥
    • react_rails_starter_app - React with Rails using Webpack 🔥
    • react-rails-boilerplate - ⚛︎ ❤️ 💎 A React + Rails boilerplate to help you get the best of both worlds 🔥
    • react_on_rails_tutorial_with_ssr_and_hmr_fast_refresh - react_on_rails tutorial demonstrating SSR, HMR fast refresh, and Typescript based on the rails/webpacker webpack setup 🔥
    • rails-react-boilerplate - Ruby on Rails, React, Webpack 4 boilerplate app. 🔥
    • rails-react-example - An example application built with Rails and React 🔥
    • Rails-React-DTA-Template - 💎 React on Rails with devise_token_auth -> Starter App 🔥
    • Rails-API-React-Tutorial - 📱 A Rails 5 API backend React JS Frontend Guide. Learn API setup, serializers, react fetch calls, and app setup. 🔥 🚀
    • next-right-now - Flexible production-grade boilerplate with Next.js 10, Vercel and TypeScript. Includes multiple opt-in presets using Storybook, Airtable, GraphQL, Analytics, CSS-in-JS, Monitoring, End-to-end testing, Internationalization, CI/CD and SaaS B2B multi single-tenancy (monorepo) support 🔥 🚀
    • hypernova_apollo_rails - Example of React + Apollo + Hypernova + Rails + Webpacker 🔥
    • create-react-app-with-rails-boilerplate - CRA + Rails API + Devise Login + ActiveAdmin Boilerplate 🔥 🚀


  • kitabu - A framework for creating e-books from Markdown using Ruby. Using the Prince PDF generator, you'll be able to get high quality PDFs. Also supports EPUB, Mobi, Text and HTML generation. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kindle highlights - download your kindle highlights and email random ones to your inbox 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • errbit - The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Squash - Squash is a collection of tools that help engineers find and kill bugs in their code by automatically collecting, collating and analyzing run time exceptions. 👴 ✅
  • oupsnow - A Bug tracker multi project, simply, but completed like bug tracking. 👴 🚀
  • BugTracker - open-source bug tracking app 🔥 👴 ✅


  • stealth - 🤖 An open source Ruby framework for text and voice chatbots. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Lita - Lita is a chat bot written in Ruby with persistent storage provided by Redis. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Chrome Extension

  • latercart - A chrome extension that allows the user to create aggregate wishlists while shopping on different websites such as Ikea, Amazon, Tentree and more. 🔥 🚀
  • rails_panel - Chrome/Firefox extension for Rails development 🔥 🚀


  • anystyle - Fast and smart citation reference parsing 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • weby - A simple, flexible and extensible CMS in Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅
  • SpinaCMS - Spina CMS is an easy to use CMS that features a clean interface without distractions. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ShinyCMS - ShinyCMS is an open-source CMS built in Ruby on Rails, with support for themes, plugins, and cloud hosting. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RefineryCMS - An extendable Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 6.0+ 🔥 ✅
  • comfortable-mexican-sofa - ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Ruby on Rails 5.2+ CMS (Content Management System) Engine 🔥 ✅
  • raidantCMS - Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams. 🔥 🚀
  • push_type - PushType is a modern, open source content management system for Ruby on Rails. 🔥
  • nestaCMS - A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra. 🔥
  • alchemyCMS - Alchemy is an open source CMS engine written in Ruby on Rails. 🔥
  • locomotiveCMS - Locomotive is an open source platform to create, publish and edit sites (CMS) 🔥 ✅
  • kms - Simple and powerful Ruby on Rails CMS for developers 🔥
  • faeCMS - CMS for Rails. For Reals. 🔥 ✅
  • drgCMS - Content management system for Ruby, Rails and MongoDB 🔥 ✅
  • caseinCMS - A lightweight CMS toolkit for Ruby on Rails, based on Bootstrap 🔥
  • Storytime - Storytime is a Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content. 🔥 ✅
  • sitepress - Sitepress is a file-backed website content manager that can be embedded in popular web frameworks like Rails, run stand-alone, or be compiled into static sites. Its useful for marketing pages or small websites that you need to deploy within your web frameworks. 🔥
  • BrowserCMS - Humane Content Management for Rails 👴
    • App
      • whitehall - a Ruby on Rails content management application for content published by government departments and agencies. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Customer Support/CRM

  • Zammad - Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • astuto - 🦊 A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • Helpy - Helpy is a modern, open source helpdesk customer support application. Features include knowledgebase, community discussions and support tickets integrated with email. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fatfreecrm - An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management (CRM) platform . 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • railsCRM - Ruby on Rails CRM for lead tracking made with MongoDB, Twitter Bootstrap and Devise. 👴 ✅
    • Live Chat
      • Chaskiq - A full featured Live Chat, Support & Marketing platform 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • Chatwoot - Open-source live chat software, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Collaboration Tool

  • loomio - Loomio is a collaborative decision-making tool that makes it easy for anyone to participate in decisions which affect them. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • brainstormer - is a fun tool that helps people come up with ideas together remotely.
  • publiclab - a collaborative knowledge-exchange platform in Rails 🔥 ✅
  • convene - Secure, affordable, private digital spaces for work and play. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • lale-help - A collaborative platform for volunteer refugee support. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • teambox - This is the legacy version of Teambox - the award-winning collaboration solution, inspired by Basecamp, Yammer and Twitter. 👴 ✅


  • tip4commit - Donate bitcoins to open source projects or make commits and get tips for it. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kuruwan - Earn cryptocurrency by contribution to open source projects 🔥 🚀


  • Catarse - The first open source crowdfunding platform for creative projects in the world 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • shelter-gifts - A Ruby on Rails app that makes it easy to donate directly to shelters by scraping their Amazon wishlists 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • membership (debtcollective) - 💰 Member dues and Donations platform 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • scan-donation - Donation app for Stop Child Abuse Now of Northern VA 👴 ✅


  • Vagrant - Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Selenium - A browser automation framework and ecosystem. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • puppet - Server automation framework and application 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • open-build-service - Build and distribute Linux packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way #obs 🔥
  • lazylead - Eliminate the annoying work within ticketing systems (Jira, GitHub, Trello). Allows automating (without admin access) daily actions like tickets fields verification, email notifications by JQL/GQL, meeting requests to your (or teammates) calendar. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Kontena - The developer friendly container and micro services platform. Works on any cloud, easy to setup, simple to use. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • flipper - 🐬 Beautiful, performant feature flags for Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Graal - GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🔥 🚀
  • gitreflow - Reflow automatically creates pull requests, ensures the code review is approved, and squash merges finished branches to master with a great commit message template. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • caperoma - Automate your workflow with Ruby / Git / Jira / PivotalTracker. 🔥 ✅
  • Capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool 🔥 ✅
  • foreman - an application that automates the lifecycle of servers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fluentd - Fluentd helps you unify your logging infrastructure 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Chef - Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • branston - An agile user story tracker that generates gherkin files and step definitions for use with the cucumber testing framework. 👴
    • Code Review
      • Mutant - An automated code review tool, with a side effect of producing semantic code coverage metrics. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • Hound - Automated code review for GitHub pull requests. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • Danger - 🚫 Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review (in Ruby) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • DigitalOcean
      • Tugboat - A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • pghero - A performance dashboard for Postgres 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • yard - YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for "Yay!" 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rdoc - RDoc produces HTML and online documentation for Ruby projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API 🔥
  • rubydocs - Fancy docs for any Ruby project
  • Devdocs - combines multiple developer documentations in a clean and organized web UI 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • docshub - API Documentation Browser based Github Pages service 🔥
  • orientation - Your best weapon in the fight against outdated documentation. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • just-the-docs A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Spree - Spree is an open source E-commerce platform for Rails 6 with a modern UX, optional PWA frontend, REST API, GraphQL, several official extensions and 3rd party integrations. Over 1 million downloads and counting! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Solidus - 🛒 Solidus, Rails eCommerce System 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ror_ecommerce - Ruby on Rails Ecommerce platform, perfect for your small business solution. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • App
      • - An online store built with React and Rails 👴 ✅
    • Marketplace
      • Sharetribe - Sharetribe Go is a source available marketplace software, also available as a hosted, no-code SaaS product. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • EMAC
    • textbringer - An Emacs-like text editor written in Ruby 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • IDE
    • diakonos - Linux console text editor for the masses. 🔥
    • ruber - An IDE for Ruby written in Ruby using KDE 👴 ✅ 🚀
    • redcar - A cross-platform programmer's editor written in Ruby. 👴 ✅
    • arcadia - Light Ruby Ide 👴
    • mercury - Mercury Editor: The Rails WYSIWYG editor that allows embedding full page editing capabilities directly inline. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • block-editor - A block editor for Ruby on Rails


  • Postal - 📨 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • sup - A curses threads-with-tags style email client 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • lewsnetter - E-mail marketing application (create and send e-mail newsletter via SES). Includes subscription management, delivery, bounce and complaint notification, templates, and some stats. 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • super-imap - SuperIMAP - Monitor inboxes for incoming email, at scale. 👴 ✅
    • newsletter
      • newsletter - This project aims to streamline delivery of quality IT reading/watching resources to curious developers 🔥 🚀
      • iReach - A Ruby on Rails email newsletter template design and wysiwyg editor. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • TechNewsletter - The engineering way of composing a responsive design newsletter email in markup language 🔥 🚀
      • - Autogenerated weekly newsletter of 'Show HackerNews' projects 🔥 🚀
      • trello_newsletter - Newsletter using Trello boards 👴 🚀
    • command line
      • sup - A curses threads-with-tags style email client 🔥 🚀
      • rumble - Command Line Tool to Send Newsletters 🔥 🚀


  • osem - Open Source Event Manager. An event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • klmeetups - Find tech events in Malaysia 🔥
  • Jetify - Jetify is an app that allows you to see events happening in your area and creates a playlist based on those events 🔥 ✅
  • infusion - 📆 Web application for managing the community meetups 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • nu-appoinments - simple appointments app 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • meetsync - An Application to Meet and Sync with people 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • diversity_ticketing - An app to make diversifying conferences easier! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rgbapp - This is an app that supports the work of the code curious organizers team 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • react_rails_event_scheduler - This project consist of building a mobile web app for an Events Scheduler using Rails API as backend, and ReactJS as frontend. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • eventx - for Event Managers who are not interested in the complexities of Event Management, but want to organize a world-class event! 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • hcxp - 📅 Independent online hardcore punk events directory 👴 ✅ 🚀


  • reactfit - A fitness dashboard app built using Rails 5.1 and React.js 👴 ✅


  • localorbit - Local Orbit is an open source web application and service that empowers food hubs to efficiently sell and distribute local food. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • growstuff - Open data project for small-scale food growers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • JustEats - Full-Stack web application that allows users to search, discover and review restaurants 🔥 ✅
  • Eatry - a website that shows restaurants and reviews of those restaurants. 🔥 ✅
  • coffee - ☕ Choose your favorite coffee beans. 🔥


  • Koala - A lightweight Facebook library supporting the Graph, Marketing, and Atlas APIs, realtime updates, test users, and OAuth. 🔥


  • Discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • simple_discussion - A simple, extensible Rails forum 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rabel - An open-source web forum built on the Ruby on Rails framework. 🔥 ✅
  • forem - Forem is open source software for building communities that powers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Homeland - 🎪 An open source forum/community system based on Rails, developed based on Ruby China. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Engine
      • thredded - The best Rails forums engine ever. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • vglist - A video game library tracking web app built in Rails and powered by Wikidata 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ruby2d - 🎮 The Ruby 2D gem 🔥 🚀
  • gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++ 🔥
  • RN-Rock-Paper-Scissors - Simple Rock Paper Scissors Game Made in React Native runs on Android, iOS, Web, MacOS, Windows 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • PorkChop - A ping pong scoreboard and stat-tracking application. 🔥
  • jinro_rails - Werewolf game on Ruby on Rails 🔥 🚀
  • chess.rb - Command-line based chess game for two human players, written in Ruby. 🔥
  • jinro - open source werewolf game application. You can play the werewolf game with chat. 🔥 🚀
  • frogatto - Frogatto & Friends is an action-adventure game, starring a certain quixotic frog. 🔥 🚀
  • HuntersKeepers - An app to make managing games of Monster of the Week easier. 🔥 🚀
  • BvY_Chess - Terminal chess game, built in Ruby. 👴 🔥
  • overwatch-team-comps - Plan your Overwatch team composition per map. Share your team comp with others. 👴 🚀


  • shoes4 - Shoes is a little DSL for cross-platform (Mac, Windows, and Linux) GUI programming. 🔥 🚀


  • consul - Open Government and E-Participation Web Software 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Github/Open Source

  • 24pullrequests - 🎄 Giving back to open source for the holidays 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • simple_review_app - A simple way to create review apps for your open pull requests 🔥 🚀
  • hyrax - Hyrax is a Ruby on Rails Engine built by the Samvera community. Hyrax provides a foundation for creating many different digital repository applications. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - GH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • past.codesa - Remember the repositories you starred on GitHub 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • opensourcefriday - 🚲 Contribute to the open source community every Friday 🔥 🚀
  • Octobox - 📮 Untangle your GitHub Notifications 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • [linguist]* - This library is used on to detect blob languages, ignore binary or vendored files, suppress generated files in diffs, and generate language breakdown graphs. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - 📚 The Open Source Discovery Service 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Codetriage - Discover the best way to get started contributing to Open Source projects 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Github explore - Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub 🔥 🚀
  • - Find open source issues to work on! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • github-awards - Discover your ranking on github 🔥 🚀
  • gsrd - GitHub Starred Repos Downloader 🔥
  • Dependabot - 🤖 The core logic behind Dependabot's update PR creation, and the public issue tracker for all things Dependabot 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • best-practices-badge - 🏆 Core Infrastructure Initiative Best Practices Badge 🔥 ✅
  • git_curate - ✂️ Peruse and delete git branches ergonomically 🔥 ✅
  • hacktoberfest - Hacktoberfest - App to manage the annual open-source challenge, used for the 2019 & 2020 seasons. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • git_time_extractor - Analyzes Git repository commit logs to compute developer working hours, weekly activity, and to detect death marches in software development. 👴 ✅
  • heaven - 🚶 Rails app for GitHub Flow 👴 ✅
  • pull-request-roulette - Site to match up developers with people willing to comment on their pull requests 👴 🚀



  • ifme - Free, open source mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Human Resources (HR)

  • hrms - Advanced HR management system. Manage company Employees (profiles, vacations, attachments, notes, notifications) and Candidates (vacancies, HR status funnel) 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • translation-server - Stores translations with location and screenshot. Enable users to easily edit translations and then any rails/react application can use them. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Octicons - A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • evil-icons - Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Internal tools

  • ToolJet - Opensource internal tool builder. An alternative to Retool, AppSmith, JetAdmin, etc 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • highlights - download your kindle highlights and email random ones to your inbox 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • stacks_tracker_app - In this app, you are able to track which languages you already know. You can choose which ones you are currently learning and see your learning progress, based on a goal you set. 🔥 ✅


  • ClassicDiscoveriesApp - An online literary library that can be used to search for books or authors. Users can even save books for later on their bookshelves. It was built using React.js/Flux for the front-end and Ruby on Rails for the back-end. 👴 ✅
  • Books-app - app that allows you to register books you've read and group them based on their genres. 🔥 🚀
  • circulate - An operating system for lending libraries 🔥 🚀


  • canvas-lms) - The open LMS by Instructure, Inc. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • pupilfirst - A learning management system (LMS) that lets you run an asynchronous online school, where learning is achieved through focused tasks, directed feedback, an iterative workflow, and community interaction. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mumuki-laboratory - 🔬 Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fedena - open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • lepo - Learning Management System with Note & Sticky 🔥 🚀
  • edctn - 📖 Open-source LMS. A teacher should be a rockstar. 🔥 🚀
  • CascadeLMS - Cascade Learning Management System 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • grasp - an open-source LMS for Common Core classrooms. 👴 ✅ 🚀


  • terrastories - Terrastories is a geostorytelling application built to enable local communities to locate and map their own oral storytelling traditions about places of significant meaning or value to them. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mersea - Web app to manage and visualise geolocalized waste report 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ghgvc - Ecosystem Climate Regulation Services Calculator 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • respect-app - Express respectful your mind 🔥
  • tag-along - Real-time geo tracking using Rails, ActionCable, React, MobX, and MapBox 👴 ✅ 🚀

Mobile/Desktop App/IOS/Swift

  • Homebrew - 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fastlane - The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RubyGateway - Embed Ruby in Swift: load Gems, run scripts, call APIs seamlessly in both directions. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RouterX - A Ruby on Rails flavoured URL routing engine in Swift. 🔥 🚀
  • Dryrun - Try any android library hosted online directly from the command line 🔥 🚀
  • CocoaPods - CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • pwa-demo - Progressive Web App Demo using Rails and React 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • badge - add a badge to your tvOS/iOS/Android app icon 🔥 🚀
  • SwiftyBadgeButton - A simple, fully tested, 100% Swift badge button. 🔥 🚀
  • miaudota - 🐱 🐶 app that automates the pet adoption process. (rails api + react native) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • GetOut - React Native App to meet and chat with nearby people who share similar interests 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • nsrails - iOS/Mac OS framework for Rails 👴 ✅


  • MailTape - Feed your inspiration with music, every Sunday morning. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • uke - 🎶 Ukulele CLI Support 🔥
  • beatoftheday - 🎵 Make music with others 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • alonetone - A free, open source, non-commercial home for musicians and their music 🔥 🚀
  • rockburg - Rockburg is a music industry simulation game. 🤘 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • plylst - Smart playlists for Spotify! Stop relying on fancy pants algorithms to organize your library and instead build playlists the way you want. 🔥 🚀
  • so-nice - Small Web interface to control iTunes, Spotify, Rdio, MPD, Rhythmbox, Amarok and XMMS2. ♫ 🔥 ✅
  • fraudify - Free music streaming app built with Rails and React 🔥 ✅
  • live-music - Web version of NetEase Cloud Music to listen to songs synchronously. 🔥
  • black_candy - A self hosted music streaming server 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • abilitysheet - This app is ability sheet for beatmania iidx music of level 12 🔥


  • StandardNotes - A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • notesclub - Notes Club 🔥 🚀
  • Wreeto - Wreeto is an open source note-taking, knowledge management and wiki system. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fiber-note - A networked note-taking app, open and self-hosted, inspired by roam-research, obsidian and others. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mykonote - The note taking app with an extra shot mykonian sun


  • StarDuck - StartDuck is a productivity app that generates activities based on user's choice of category and input hours. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • FinalCapstone - This project is designed so you can keep your daily task like; working, sleeping, etc. and see a resume of your day. 🔥 ✅


  • net-ssh - Pure Ruby implementation of an SSH (protocol 2) client


  • open-source-billing - Open Source Billing a super simple way to create and send invoices and receive payments online. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • invoice_printer - Super simple PDF invoicing 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • bill-process - Fullstack bill processing app-- enables various account types to collaborate on bill actions before it is sent to a customer. Rails, PostgreSQL, React/Redux 🔥



  • zipsell - A free open source platform for selling digital downloads such as ebooks 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • slideshow - write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions 🔥 🚀
  • showoff - Don't just present; interact with your audience! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • reveal-ck - Create slides with ruby (and usually in markdown) 🔥 🚀
  • rabbit - A programmable presentation tool by Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • slidedown - Generate syntax-highlighted slides from Markdown 👴 🚀
  • coderdeck - Create live-coding HTML5-based presentations and workshops 🔥 👴

Project Management

  • Redmine - Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • OpenProject - OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • React-Takser-App - Simple task tracking application using React.js and Ruby on Rails 🔥
  • SprintApp - Project management and time tracking should be easy. SprintApp is simple to setup, simple to use, and elegant - making you look like a hero in your organization. 👴 ✅
  • retrospectiva - Open source, web-based agile project management, featuring: Goal planner, Story management, Issue-tracker, Code review, SCM Integration, Wiki & Blog. 👴 ✅
  • reru_scrum - Open source rails scrum tool 👴
  • fulcrum - An agile project planning tool 👴 ✅
  • chiliproject - web based project management system built on Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅


  • FireApp - is a HTML prototyping tool with Sass/Compass/ERB/Haml/Slim/Markdown support 🔥 ✅ 🚀


Ruby and Rails

  • - The Ruby Together website 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Ruby-git - Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - Source of the website. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - A simple list of Ruby conferences 🔥 🚀
  • rubytoolbox - Find actively maintained & popular open source software libraries for the Ruby programming language 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rails_new_io - is an app to create and verify new rails applications using an intuitive UI. 🔥 🚀
  • rubydocs - Fancy docs for any Ruby project
  • Ruby-Starter-Kits - Starter kits to help you get up and running with Ruby quickly. 🔥 🚀
  • Rubygems - Library packaging and distribution for Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - Next generation site 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • awesome-ruby - A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software. 🔥 ✅
  • Ruby-Meetup-Calender - List all the current Ruby Meetups 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • on_ruby - 💎 🛤 Whitelabel Site for Ruby Communities 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rails_panel - Chrome/Firefox extension for Rails development 🔥 🚀
  • gem-browse - gem edit, gem open, gem clone, gem browse 🔥 🚀
  • matestack - Matestack enables you to create sophisticated, reactive UIs in pure Ruby, without touching JavaScript and HTML. 🔥 🚀
  • pluginGeek - Discover great Ruby gems and Javascript plugins. Like AirBnB but for Space Travel. 👴 🚀
    • Auth
      • social-login-in-rails - A small application with integrates with Devise + Twitter + Facebook + Linkedin + Google + Github. 🔥 ✅
    • Compiler
      • run.rb - Run Ruby in the browser using WebAssembly
    • gems
      • decidim - The participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • railsbump - Check which gems are compatible with which Rails version! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Hosting
      • geminabox - Really simple rubygem hosting 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Interpreter
      • for-the-graal A simple but absurd language implemented in Ruby-Java-JavaScript 🔥 🚀
    • Liscense
    • Markup Lanugage
      • haml - HTML Abstraction Markup Language - A Markup Haiku 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Markdwon
      • Kramdown - kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions. 🔥
      • asciidoctor - 💎 A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby, for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats. 🔥 🚀 ✅
    • Multitenancy
      • actsastenant-demo - Row-based multitenancy example. A User can be a Member of multiple Tenants 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • rails_multisite - Multi tenancy for Rails applications 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • dato.rss - The best RSS Search Engine experience you can find. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • filter-app - news aggregator that powers and 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rssbox - This app uses the API of other websites and gives you an RSS feed in return. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • Reader
      • Stringer - A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • feedbin - a simple, fast and nice looking RSS reader. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • FeedBunch - A simple and elegant feed reader. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Real Estate

  • property_web_builder - ⛺ The ultimate Ruby on Rails engine for creating real estate websites 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • star-table - ⭐ A restaurant reservation web application. Using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript/React/Redux, JSX, SCSS. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • doctors - Doctor's Appointment application that is intended to showcase full-stack web development skills, particularly in Ruby on Rails and React. 🔥 ✅
  • calagator - An open source community calendar platform written in Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅
  • calreact - React and Rails 5 calendar appointment app 🔥 👴 ✅

Snippet Manager

  • snibox - Self-hosted snippet manager 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • snippet_app - A social code snippet sharing app that allows you to create, file and share code snippets with anyone. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ruby-fiddle - Because JSFiddle is awesome. Persist, Version, and Fork Ruby Snippets. 🔥 👴 ✅
  • codervault - An Open Source, Self-Hosted, Snippet Manager 🔥 👴 ✅

Social Network/Community

  • Diaspora - A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • hackershare - Hackershare is a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Coderwall - Professional network for software engineers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ting - A music social networking project written in Ruby on Rails and Semantic-UI 🔥 ✅
  • casply - The cosplayers community 🔥 ✅
  • mutual-aid - Mutual aid management platform for groups who build, support, and strengthen community resilience. 🔥 ✅
  • usesthis - A nerdy little interview website, asking people from all walks of life what they use to get the job done. 🔥 🚀
  • kitesocial - A super basic not-Twitter, for interviews. 🔥 🚀
  • - — the guide to the fediverse 🔥 🚀
  • evemonk - EveMonk is helper software for EVE Online. 🔥 🚀
  • babywearing - A lending library for Babywearing communities that manages baby carrier inventory and memberships 🔥 🚀 Learn IT, Girl - "Learn IT, Girl" is an international mentorship program that helps women learn a new programming language by doing an awesome project! 🔥 🚀
  • airesis - The Social Network for eDemocracy 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • socify - Socify is an open source social networking platform written in Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • Insoshi - An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅


  • support-your-local-businesses - A web application to support supporting your local businesses online 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • earthquake-croatia - Code for app hosted on used for helping people in need during the earthquake crisis in Croatia 🔥 🚀
  • covid-volunteers - Organizing and matching volunteers with COVID-19 projects 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • diaper - Diaperbase is an inventory system for diaper banks, to aid them in tracking their inventory and providing statistics about their inventory flows. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • voices-of-consent - Open source tracking and inventory management application for nonprofit, Voices of Consent 🔥 ✅
  • human-essentials - Human Essentials is an inventory management system for essentials banks, to aid them in distributing items to their partners, tracking their inventory, and providing statistics about their inventory flows. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • otwarchive - The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) - Archive Of Our Own (AO3) Project 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • eol - Encyclopedia of Life 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fiftypercent - "50 Prozent" documents, how many women* there are. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ConexionFelina - 🐱 ❤️ Web application for taking care of street cats 🔥 ✅
  • covidliste - Covidliste makes it easy to manage waiting lists for vaccination centers. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • casa - Volunteer management system for nonprofit CASA, which serves foster youth in counties across America. 🔥 ✅
  • - All of the code that runs on 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • EBWiki - repository of police abuse cases against people of color 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Champaign - SumOfUs Online Campaign Platform. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • refugerestrooms - REFUGE restrooms indexes and maps safe restroom locations for trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • - A prediction app created for indian elections 2019. 🔥 🚀
  • reentry - Social Services Aggregator and Distribution Hub 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • playtime - Supporting children and families experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC 👴 ✅


  • HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs. 🔥 🚀
  • sheepsafe - Sheepsafe is a small utility to keep you safe from FireSheep! It's a tool for mobile geeks. 👴 🚀


  • Staytus - 💡 An open source solution for publishing the status of your services 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • shopify_app - A Rails Engine for building Shopify Apps 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • shopify-app-starter-kit - Shopify app starter kit written in Ruby on Rails w/ appropriate tools to get your Shopify app up and running quickly 🚀
  • react-shopify-app - A React/Rails Shopify base app maintained by Plug in SEO 🔥




  • tebukuro - Build communities and ticketing 🔥 ✅


  • tomatoes - Pomodoro Technique® online time tracker 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • timeoverflow - 🏦 ⌛ A time banking system 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Happyhours - Time registration that doesn't suck 🔥 ✅ 🚀



  • upwork_telegram_notifier - Get notifications for new Upwork jobs right into your Telegram 🔥 🚀
  • eatmore - Telegram bot that reminds you to eat more 🔥 🚀


  • Tugboat - A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • terminal-table - Ruby ASCII Table Generator, simple and feature rich. 🔥 🚀
  • t - A command-line power tool for Twitter. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Homebrew - 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • startup-time - A command-line benchmarking tool to measure the startup times of programs in various languages 🔥 🚀
  • bashly - Bash command line framework and CLI generator 🔥
  • rainbow - Ruby gem for colorizing printed text on ANSI terminals 🔥
  • pastel - 🌈 Terminal output styling with intuitive and clean API. 🔥 🚀
  • lit - Shine a light on terminal commands. 🔥
  • md2man - md2man is a Ruby library and a set of command-line programs that convert Markdown into UNIX manpages as well as HTML webpages using Redcarpet. 🔥 🚀
  • til-rb - A cli to help managing a TIL repo 🔥 🚀
  • lolcat - 🌈 Rainbow your terminal 🔥 🚀
  • developer_news_cli_app - A Ruby CLI app that scrapes article information from FreeCodeCamp, HackerNoon, Codeburst and A List Apart. 🔥 🚀
  • colorls - 🎉 A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons. 🔥 🚀
  • cli-ui - Terminal user interface library 🔥 🚀
  • ver - Vi & Emacs in Ruby 👴 🚀
  • iStats - Ruby gem for your mac stats 👴 🚀
  • ruco - Desktop-style, Intuitive, Commandline Editor in Ruby. "Better than nano, simpler than vim." 👴 🚀
  • vedeu - A framework written in Ruby for building GUI/TUI terminal/console applications. 👴
  • tty
    • tty - Toolkit for developing sleek command line apps. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-box - Draw various frames and boxes in your terminal window 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-screen - Terminal screen detection - cross platform, major ruby interpreters 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-color - Terminal color capabilities detection 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-cursor - Terminal cursor movement and manipulation of cursor properties such as visibility 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-font - Terminal fonts 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-spinner - A terminal spinner for tasks that have non-deterministic time frame. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-markdown - Convert a markdown document or text into a terminal friendly output 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-pie - Draw pie charts in your terminal window 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-prompt - A beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-progressbar - Display a single or multiple progress bars in the terminal. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-reader - A set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
    • tty-table - A flexible and intuitive table generator 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • backup - Easy full stack backup operations on UNIX-like systems 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RESTular - Easy to understand RESTful routing for Sinatra / Ruby on Rails app
    • Students Monitoring



  • iro.vim - Vim plugin that is a next generation syntax highlighter.


  • CocoaPods - CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Xcodeproj - Create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Web Stuff

  • Whatweb - Next generation web scanner 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • webshot - Captures a web page as a screenshot. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • my_site_archive - The simplest way to archive your website. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • connector - A minimalist open-source multi-engine web browser built in Ruby with Glimmer DSL for SWT 🔥 🚀
  • awestruct - A static site baking and deployment tool written in Ruby. 🔥
  • bonsai - A tiny static web site generator 👴 🚀
    • SSG
      • middleman - Middleman is a static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • webgen - webgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator 🔥 ✅ 🚀
      • dimples - A little static site generator. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Wordmove - Multi-stage command line deploy/mirroring and task runner for Wordpress 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • wpscan - WPScan WordPress security scanner. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • - Source code of 🔥 🚀
    • Obsidian
      • obsidian_utils - Various scripts and utilities for 🔥 🚀
    • zettlekasten
      • zk - 📚 Zettelkasten on the command-line 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • compile-to-web - Discover what languages can be compiled to Web Assembly 🔥 🚀
  • transrate - Understand your transcriptome assembly 🔥 🚀
  • pre-assembly - Rails app - prepares objects for assembly workflow and allows discovery report 🔥 🚀