Steven Joseph
Steven Joseph
Is it possible for percol to continuously read from the stream with percol somthing like tail -f /var/log/messages | percol
(Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments get-buffer-process 0) (get-buffer-process) (or (get-buffer-process) (process-live-p jabber-otr-process)) (if (or (get-buffer-process) (process-live-p jabber-otr-process)) nil (jabber-otr-start)) jabber-otr--ensure-started() jabber-otr-encrypt() call-interactively(jabber-otr-encrypt) (progn (call-interactively sym-com)) (if helm-M-x-always-save-history (progn (call-interactively sym-com))) (let\*...
I'm trying to update the deps on this project and get the tests running but I ran into this issue ```===> Compiling test/meta_SUITE.erl failed test/meta_SUITE.erl:none: error in parse transform...
Currently I'm using a hack as such : ``` (add-hook 'pipenv-mode-hook (lambda () (setq traad-server-program (concat python-shell-virtualenv-root "/bin/traad")) )) ``` but this could be integrated better
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