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SSL error while using async_tls
When I tried to use async_tls to establish a TLS connection to a ncat instance (using self signed certificates that I generated), I saw this error from the ncat terminal and the connection just close.
Ncat: Failed SSL connection from error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
I noticed on Wireshark that the program attempts the normal TCP handshake and then followed by FIN-ACK to close the connection. I did not see the TLS protocol being initiated. I followed the code snippet from async_tls' documentation.
async_std::task::block_on(async {
let connector = TlsConnector::default();
let tcp_stream = async_std::net::TcpStream::connect("").await?;
let encrypted_stream = connector.connect("", tcp_stream).await?;
Ok(()) as async_std::io::Result<()>
Could this be related to the certificate not being accepted? I tried looking at async_tls' and rustls' documentation but I did not find options for me to accept self signed certificates or other dangerous options that native_tls has.
I tried making some changes to my code but I am still seeing the same error, not sure where it went wrong.
let mut customroot = rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
let mut serverpem = File::open("custom_ca.pem")?;
let mut serverpem = BufReader::new(serverpem);
let der_formatted = rustls::internal::pemfile::certs(&mut serverpem).unwrap();
for server_ca in &der_formatted
let mut clientconfig = rustls::ClientConfig::new();
clientconfig.enable_sni = false;
clientconfig.root_store = customroot;
let async_connector = async_tls::TlsConnector::from(clientconfig);
let tcp_stream = async_std::net::TcpStream::connect("").await?;
let encrypted_stream = async_connector.connect("", tcp_stream).await?;
I sadly have no ncat at hand - is this also when just using rusttls directly?