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A React hook wrapper around Google's client JavaScript oAuth2 library.



Use Google's oAuth2 with React! This is a small wrapper around Google's oAuth2 JavaScript client library for accessing Google login functionality in your React app.

  • Install
  • Usage
    • Sample Using Context
    • Examples
  • Hook Return Values
    • googleUser
    • signIn()
    • signOut()
    • isSignedIn
    • grantOfflineAccess()
      • Google's Official docs on refreshing tokens on a backend
    • refreshUser()
    • isInitialized
    • auth2
  • API
  • Persisting Users
    • Dealing with a flash of an unauthenticated view:
  • License


# npm
npm install --save react-use-googlelogin

# yarn
yarn add react-use-googlelogin


Important: You will need to have an active application and clientID from Google's developer console. Refer to "before you begin" for more information on creating a clientID for your application.

Sample Using Context

import React from 'react'
import { useGoogleLogin } from 'react-use-googlelogin'

const GoogleAuthContext = React.createContext() // Not necessary, but recommended.

export const GoogleAuthProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const googleAuth = useGoogleLogin({
    clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, // Your clientID from Google.

  return (
    <GoogleAuthContext.Provider value={googleAuth}>
      {/* The rest of your app */}

export const useGoogleAuth = () => React.useContext(GoogleAuthContext)

// In another component...
const GoogleLoginButton = () => {
  const { signIn } = useGoogleAuth()

  return <button onClick={signIn}>Sign in with Google</button>


See below for example integrations.

Hook Return Values

As a React Hook, you can destructure these values:

  • googleUser
  • signIn
  • signOut
  • isSignedIn
  • isInitialized
  • grantOfflineAccess
  • auth2


An instance of GoogleUser representing the logged in user. Contains the user's verifiable ID token in the tokenId key. Refer to Google's docs on verifying ID tokens on your backend.

By default, this GoogleUser is enhanced with additional keys for the accessToken and its corresponding expiresAt key. If fetchBasicProfile is true, the information can be found in the profileObj key.

If no user is logged in, this will be undefined.

const Profile = () => {
  const { googleUser } = useGoogleLogin()

  return (
      <img src={googleUser.profileObj.imageUrl} />

This object is the same GoogleUser object returned by gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get(). Use the accessToken in this object in conjunctino with Google's API endpoints to fetch other data for the user.

Refer to Google's docs for more info.


A function that will prompt the user to login via Google. Will use the sign-in flow specified by the uxMode parameter.

On success, this function returns googleUser. This is useful if immediate access to googleUser is needed following a sign in. We would otherwise need to wait for a re-render to see the hook value updated.

If the sign in flow fails for any reason, signIn() returns false.

const GoogleLoginButton = () => {
  const { signIn } = useGoogleLogin()

  const handleSignIn = async () => {
    const googleUser = await signIn() // if you need immediate access to `googleUser`, get it from signIn() directly

signIn can also take a configuration object. For information on the available options, refer to: Google's docs


Signs out the current user and disconnects the current oAuth2 client. It also sets googleUser back to undefined and clears all persistent session storage.


A boolean that is true when a user is actively logged in, and false otherwise.

const Page = () => {
  const { isSignedIn } = useGoogleLogin()

  return (
      <h2>Some unauthenticated content.</h2>
      {isSignedIn && <p>We are logged in!</p>}


A function that will sign in a user and prompt them for long-term access. Will use the sign-in flow specified by the uxMode parameter.

Signing in a user with this function allows usage of refreshUser to get new accessTokens. This is useful if the default 1 hour duration is too limiting for your app.

This function returns an authorization code that can be exchanged for a refreshToken and accessTokens on your backend if needed.

Google's Official docs on refreshing tokens on a backend


A function that will refresh the accessToken for the currently logged in googleUser. To use this function, a user must have logged in via grantOfflineAccess.

On success, the function will return an object containing the new accessToken and corresponding expiresAt epoch time.

Under the hood, this calls GoogleUser.reloadAuthResponse() and handles the react state updates. See Google's docs for more info.


A boolean that is true once the window.gapi object is available, and false otherwise. Please see the persisiting users section for more information about using isInitialized.


The GoogleAuth instance that was initialized when the hook was initially run. You shouldn't need to use this directly, but it is provided if necessary.

GoogleAuth is a singleton class that provides methods to allow the user to sign in with a Google account, get the user's current sign-in status, get specific data from the user's Google profile, request additional scopes, and sign out from the current account.

For more information, refer to Google's docs


Specify any of the options defined below:

Name Type Default Description
clientId String --- Required. The clientID for your application from Google's developer console.
persist Boolean true Toggle whether googleUser should be persisted from sessionStorage on page refresh.
uxMode String 'popup' Enum of either popup or redirect. If set to redirect, redirectUri must also be set.
redirectUri String '' If uxMode is set to redirect, this is the address a user will be sent to after the login flow.
scope String 'profile email' The scopes to request, as a space-delimited string. Optional if fetch_basic_profile is set to true.
fetchBasicProfile Boolean true Fetches common user profile information on login. Adds profile, email and openid to the requested scopes.
cookiePolicy String 'single_host_origin' The domains for which to create sign-in cookies. Either a URI, single_host_origin, or none.
hostedDomain String --- The G Suite domain to which users must belong to sign in. If blank, all google accounts can login.

Persisting Users

By default, useGoogleLogin will handle persisting googleUser on page refresh by using values in sessionStorage that Google's gapi client automatically stores.

If you wish to opt-out of this behavior, set persist to false when calling useGoogleLogin().

Dealing with a flash of an unauthenticated view:

Due to the nature of client-side-only authentication, it's not possible to completely prevent a brief moment of unauthenticated state on hard page refresh for pages that are server-side rendered (SSR'd). To help with this, useGoogleLogin returns isInitialized.

isInitialized will be false until Google's API has been loaded and any logged in user has been persisted to googleUser from sessionStorage.

If you prevent the rendering of a component reliant on authenticated state until isInitialized is true, you can momentarily hide any of these components (preventing a janky rapid state change) until you know they are logged in or not.

// In this case, a user has already logged in but prior, but has refreshed the page:
const Page = () => {
  const { isSignedIn, isInitalized } = useGoogleLogin()

  return (
      {isInitialized && (
          {isSignedIn ? (
            <button onClick={signOut}>Sign Out</button>
          ) : (
            <button onClick={signIn}>Sign In</button>

In the above example, the <button> will only display "Sign Out" on page load instead of rapidly swapping between "Sign In" and "Sign Out".

Please keep in mind that this workaround will result in these components not being rendered in SSR'd content. In the future, this library plans to provide an example integration for SSR.
