Yauheni Prakopchyk

Results 233 issues of Yauheni Prakopchyk

https://www.reddit.com/r/vuejs/comments/184dge3/comment/kbfp4y7/?context=3 Here I tried to appply presets to button component and it works like a charm. But that's not documented anywhere. So we should provide some documentation on that.


Right now with sizes config: * it's hard to modify globally * for icons we use separate sizes config, that's not connected to global config * it's hard to reason...

d5: nightmare!
v3: wish to have

Use https://www.notion.so/epicmax/Vuestic-code-review-9701900bd8c144c090eb3ac1f6ce33d4 I think we don't need to even add anything.

v2: nice to have

This issue is about things that are over the top for vuestic 1. So think about whatever excites you and bring that to this issue. Think about vuestic as an...

team discussion
vuestic 2.0

**Vuestic-ui version:** 1.8.4 ![image](https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/assets/5394573/858784b5-91ab-482d-990b-035b128da7f9) ## **Steps to reproduce** Delete or add tab ## **What is the expected behavior?** Slider should stay in all cases and be bound to value ##...

d1: super easy
v2: nice to have

Right now the development is mostly "just going". We don't have defined goals. We don't have a good way to prioritise our work. This approach has its cons: * We...


**Vuestic-ui version:** 1.8.3 I created a fresh project with vite and added vuestic-ui to it. here are my files: `main.ts`: ```ts import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from...

d2: easy
v3: wish to have

**Vuestic-ui version:** 1.8.4 https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-admin/pull/966#issuecomment-1790882307

Right now we don't have documentation on how to work with storybook. We should add a page, detailing our strategy. At the moment of writing - we didn't have strategy...

d3: medium
v3: wish to have

**Vuestic-ui version:** 1.8.3 ![image](https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/assets/5394573/1c8ba1f3-4930-4500-85f9-0122d41dbc91) https://www.figma.com/file/1FrFtIjHjMAV0o4t0wpYGq/Admin?type=design&node-id=610-1769&mode=design&t=NXkPhBbMQoHSgHYO-0 ![image](https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/assets/5394573/b2ab6ccf-5bd5-4991-914c-a64f8f99195d)

d1: super easy
v1: minor