Yauheni Prakopchyk
Yauheni Prakopchyk
@chimurai Sure. [Here it is](https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/pull/1130). Waiting for reply.
Hey. Would like to help, but don't have time (and skills) for support. PR is welcome though.
Sorry, don't have time to fix that at the moment. PR is very welcome though. Thanks.
@alvibd I wonder if it's routing problem of some kind. Does it reproduce on clean laravel install? Also, sorry, I don't have time to add fixes (2 next months at...
@javierrivarola feel free to submit PR : 3. Api tester is kinda out of priority for me right now.
Currently the problem with api tester is that it was actively developed more than a year ago, which means lots of assets are deprecated and code is horrid mess by...
Can you elucidate a bit? BTW Api tester uses vanilla laravel routing. Assuming other routes are operational, api tester should wotk as well.
Hm, this is weird, [demo](https://laravel-api-tester.asva.by/api-tester) works just fine. I wonder if the change was manifested in new versions. BTW, why would you use https in development? Just curious.
Hmm. Global config. My ajax wrapper recently got the functionality to do that.
@greabock about response time. I think we can set response timer on frontend and leave everything else to debugbar. Stack trace is also a good idea, but it should be...