All of the cron.daily stuff can be combined in one script in cron.daily. Also, the proposed install script should take care of all of this stuff.
@Skywalker-11 - I think what @gordoncolyn wants is for `postfixmailq` to be designed like `mailwatch_sendmail_queue.php` which logs queue info to the database for display by `mailq.php`. Currently for postfix implementations,...
@mealerz - the develop branch is still very much work in progress - isn't not stable and should not be used in production - if of course you're looking to...
SSO would be a useful feature which we'll add to the list for V2.0, which is now in development.
I've this in the back of my mind for a while - something for version 2.
@branko77 - Can you run mailscanner in debug mode and see if anything is highlighted there? I usually find debug mode helpful when there are strange issues with mailwatch /... expect all connections to be from localhost on the loopback interface ( It seems in your case connections are coming from instead, hence it's rejecting the connection.
You could try changing the relevant line in to: `if ($dotted_quad ne "") {` Line 114
No problem, glad it's started to work now :) > *Warning*: mysqli::mysqli(): Headers and client library minor version Try a yum update and see if anything needs updating. What version...
The warning is most likely due to the php version. PHP 5.6 would probably fix it