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I couldn't enable PACMOD2 of the Polaris GEM e4 vehicle (Ubuntu 22.04, ros2 humble)

Open youweik2 opened this issue 2 months ago • 0 comments

Hi, I have already set up the pacmod2 ros2-master branch in my system, and I have also changed the settings of CAN and related message format. I found that the message type had been changed so I reset all the information I needed. However, I tested it several times, but it seemed that in most of the tests, the pacmod2 wasn't enabled, only success once. When I checked the results of the ros2 RQT, they seemed connected correctly. So, could you tell me how to write the code correctly?

This is part of our code.

class VehicleController(Node): def init(self): super().init('vehicle_controller') # Subscribers self.gnss_sub = self.create_subscription(NavSatFix, '/navsatfix', self.gnss_callback, 10) self.ins_sub = self.create_subscription(INSNavGeod, '/insnavgeod', self.ins_callback, 10) self.enable_sub = self.create_subscription(Bool, '/pacmod/enabled', self.enable_callback, 10) self.speed_sub = self.create_subscription(VehicleSpeedRpt, '/pacmod/vehicle_speed_rpt', self.speed_callback, 10)

    # Publishers for steering, acceleration, braking, and gear commands
    self.global_pub = self.create_publisher(GlobalCmd, '/pacmod/global_cmd', 1)
    self.steer_pub = self.create_publisher(PositionWithSpeed, '/pacmod/steering_cmd', 1)
    self.accel_pub = self.create_publisher(SystemCmdFloat, '/pacmod/accel_cmd', 1)
    self.brake_pub = self.create_publisher(SystemCmdFloat, '/pacmod/brake_cmd', 1)
    self.gear_pub = self.create_publisher(SystemCmdInt, '/pacmod/shift_cmd', 1)

    # publish point info
    self.cord_pub = self.create_publisher(Pose2D, 'cord', 10)
    self.kal_cord_pub = self.create_publisher(Pose2D, 'kal_cord', 10)

    self.declare_parameter('acceleration', 0.0)
    self.declare_parameter('steering_angle', 0.0)

    # Desired control values
    self.steering_angle = self.get_parameter('steering_angle').value  # Steering wheel angle in radians
    self.steering_speed_limit = 3.5  # Steering wheel rotation speed in radians/sec
    self.acceleration = self.get_parameter('acceleration').value    # Throttle command (0.0 to 1.0)
    self.brake = 0.0           # Brake command (0.0 to 1.0)

    # Initialize PACMod command messages
    self.global_cmd = GlobalCmd()
    self.global_cmd.enable = False
    self.global_cmd.clear_override  = True
    self.global_cmd.ignore_override = True

    self.gear_cmd = SystemCmdInt()
    self.gear_cmd.command = 2 # SHIFT_NEUTRAL
    self.brake_cmd = SystemCmdFloat()
    self.accel_cmd = SystemCmdFloat()

    self.gem_enable = False
    self.pacmod_enable = True

    self.steer_cmd = PositionWithSpeed()
    self.steer_cmd.angular_position = 0.0 # radians, -: clockwise, +: counter-clockwise
    self.steer_cmd.angular_velocity_limit = 3.5 # radians/second

    self.wheelbase  = 2.57 # meters
    self.offset     = 1.26 # meters = 0.0
    self.lon = 0.0
    self.heading = 0.0

    self.speed = 0.0

    self.olat = 40.09281153008717
    self.olon = -88.23607685860453

    # Kalman filter initialization for x, y, yaw
    self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=3, dim_z=3)
    self.kf.x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # Initial state: [x, y, yaw]
    self.kf.F = np.eye(3)  # State transition matrix
    self.kf.H = np.eye(3)  # Measurement function
    self.kf.P *= 1000.0  # Covariance matrix
    self.kf.R = np.eye(3) * 5  # Measurement noise
    self.kf.Q = np.eye(3) * 0.1  # Process noise

    self.command_timer = self.create_timer(0.1, self.publish_commands)  # 0.1 means it will be called every 0.1 seconds

def ins_callback(self, msg):
    self.heading = round(msg.heading, 6)

def gnss_callback(self, msg): = round(msg.latitude, 6)
    self.lon = round(msg.longitude, 6)

def speed_callback(self, msg):
    self.speed = round(msg.vehicle_speed, 3) # forward velocity in m/s

def enable_callback(self, msg):
    self.pacmod_enable =

def heading_to_yaw(self, heading_curr):
    if (heading_curr >= 270 and heading_curr < 360):
        yaw_curr = np.radians(450 - heading_curr)
        yaw_curr = np.radians(90 - heading_curr)
    return yaw_curr

def front2steer(self, f_angle):
    if(f_angle > 35):
        f_angle = 35
    if (f_angle < -35):
        f_angle = -35
    if (f_angle > 0):
        steer_angle = round(-0.1084*f_angle**2 + 21.775*f_angle, 2)
    elif (f_angle < 0):
        f_angle = -f_angle
        steer_angle = -round(-0.1084*f_angle**2 + 21.775*f_angle, 2)
        steer_angle = 0.0
    return steer_angle

def wps_to_local_xy(self, lon_wp, lat_wp):
    # convert GNSS waypoints into local fixed frame reprented in x and y
    lon_wp_x, lat_wp_y = ll2xy(lat_wp, lon_wp, self.olat, self.olon)    # need to add source code to provide support
    return lon_wp_x, lat_wp_y

def get_gem_state(self):
    # vehicle gnss heading (yaw) in degrees
    # vehicle x, y position in fixed local frame, in meters
    # reference point is located at the center of GNSS antennas
    local_x_curr, local_y_curr = self.wps2xy(self.lon,

    # heading to yaw (degrees to radians)
    # heading is calculated from two GNSS antennas
    self.curr_yaw = self.heading2yaw(self.heading) 

    # reference point is located at the center of rear axle
    self.curr_x = local_x_curr - self.offset * np.cos(self.curr_yaw)
    self.curr_y = local_y_curr - self.offset * np.sin(self.curr_yaw)

def kalman_filter(self):
    # Kalman filter update
    z = np.array([self.curr_x, self.curr_y, self.curr_yaw])  # Measurement

    # Get the filtered state
    self.filtered_x, self.filtered_y, self.filtered_yaw = self.kf.x

def publish_commands(self):
    if not self.gem_enable and self.pacmod_enable:
        self.get_logger().info('enable pacmod')
        # ---------- enable PACMod ----------
        self.global_cmd.enable = True
        self.global_cmd.clear_override  = False
        self.global_cmd.ignore_override = False

        self.gear_cmd.command = 3  # enable forward gear
        self.brake_cmd.command = 0.0
        self.accel_cmd.command = 0.0


        self.gem_enable = True
    self.global_cmd.enable = True
    self.global_cmd.clear_override  = False
    self.global_cmd.ignore_override = False

    # Cord command
    cord = Pose2D()
    cord.x = self.curr_x
    cord.y = self.curr_y
    cord.theta = self.curr_yaw

    kal_cord = Pose2D()
    kal_cord.x = self.filter_x
    kal_cord.y = self.filter_y
    kal_cord.theta = self.filter_yaw

    # for testing
    self.accel_cmd.command = self.acceleration

    self.steer_cmd.angular_position = self.steering_angle
    self.steer_cmd.angular_velocity_limit = self.steering_speed_limit


    # self.get_logger().info(
    #     f'Steering Angle: {self.steering_angle:.2f} rad, '
    #     f'Acceleration: {self.acceleration:.2f}, '
    #     f'Brake: {self.brake:.2f}, '
    #     f'Gear: {self.gear}'
    # )

def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) vehicle_controller = VehicleController() rclpy.spin(vehicle_controller) vehicle_controller.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()

if name == 'main': main()

Thank you so much!

youweik2 avatar Dec 02 '24 02:12 youweik2