Antony Stubbs
Antony Stubbs
- [x] Basic retry options - customise message failure retry delay - currently 1 seconds, enable/disable retry - [ ] Retry max reached skip die or dlq or skip? #196... Threading model, offset handling, failure, rebalancing, etc
Currently the batches are just a subset of non batched processing. I.e. - key based ordering - all keys in all batches will be unique. - Unordered - no restrictions...
- [ ] Upgrade all tests to throw the retriable error where appropriate, to reduce error noise in test logs - [ ] also include exception to skip the message...
Currently a user's function can block the single worker thread that executes user functions. in the vert.x module, all user functions should be non-blocking. However, this is only by convention....
Poor cohesion Extract: - offset assertions into a Subject
ATM there's quite a bit of work in managing SHARED state between threads/sub systems. Although this is working well, it's complex. A shared nothing architecture would mean there are no...