Antony Stubbs

Results 179 comments of Antony Stubbs

Or use a more abstract type for your registered serde like a byte serde or string serde and use the serdes manually.

Do you have any thoughts on what metrics you might consider would indicate health? One major aspect is "progress" through the work queues. Described here: Time since last progress...

This actually already exists, but isn't used for logging. I'll look at adding to the the loggers MDC. See `AbstractParallelEoSStreamProcessor#setMyId`

Ah - this is actually already mapped to the MPD under the id `pcId`, for example, the test logger uses: `%d{mm:ss.SSS} %X{pcId} %highlight(%-5level) %yellow([%thread]) %X{offset} %cyan(\(%file:%line\)#%M) %msg%n`

However I suspect the MDC isn't being set in all the threads properly. Also, we should consider moving this to the options class.

@fowlerp-qlik how does this interface look?

Hi @OpenSourceTycoon ! Welcome to the project, and thanks for submitting this issue! We appreciate your involvement. You have indeed uncovered some missing features :) The [vertxReqInfo]( method currently only...

Sure! ``` void webClientExample(VertxParallelStreamProcessor parallelConsumer) { parallelConsumer.vertxHttpRequest((wc, rec) ->"some uri"), httpResponseFuture -> { }, httpResponseAsyncResult -> { } ); } void httpRequestExample(VertxParallelStreamProcessor parallelConsumer) { parallelConsumer.vertxHttpWebClient((wc, rec) ->"some uri").send(),...

I've also added a PR to make the API simpler for your use- assuming you aren't interested in using the callback hooks?