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Discussion on the flux initialization in multiband data
It turns out that the flux initialization has quite an influence on the photometric result when running SE++ on mulit-band data. As an example I am using a simulated dataset for Euclid which consists of VIS and H band data. The zeropoints are quite different: MAG_ZEROPOINT = {'VIS':24.48941, 'H': 29.8512}
When initializing the flux with:
for band, group in mesgroup: flux_total[i] = get_flux_parameter()
The comparison with the true universe in the H band is:
allows a range of 10e-3, 10+3. Due to the high zeropoint offset the upper range is reached, which leads to the totally off measurements in the upper right corner and in the range [20-22] mag especially for red sources.
Enhancing the range with:
for band, group in mesgroup: flux_total[i] = FreeParameter(1.0, Range((1.0e-07,1.0e+05), RangeType.EXPONENTIAL))
leads to:
Taking into account the zeropoint offset with:
BAND_SCALE = {'VIS':1.0, 'H': 140} for band, group in mesgroup: flux_total[i] = get_flux_parameter(scale=BAND_SCALE[band])
results in:
Enhancing the allowed range around the scaled flux with:
BAND_SCALE = {'VIS':1.0, 'H': 140} for band, group in mesgroup: flux_total[i] = FreeParameter(lambda o: o.get_iso_flux() * BAND_SCALE[band], Range(lambda v,o: (v * 1E-9, v * 1E9), RangeType.EXPONENTIAL))
results in:
Good tests, thanks.
I'm not really that surprised, I remember from early tests that results were very sensitive to initial values and how the parameters were set up. I didn't expect the last one to be so bad when using 1e-9 to 1e9 range, though.
True, also FreeParameter(1.0, Range((1.0e-07,1.0e+05), RangeType.EXPONENTIAL))
show large offsets at bright mags that I do not really understand.