pyregion copied to clipboard
error parsing regions with dimensions in degrees, radians, physical/image pixels
I created this in the aplpy
site ( but it seems it may be more relevant here.
using aplpy.FITSFigure.show_regions
I can load a region file with the following content just fine:
but when the units correspond to a letter (i.e., 'd' for degrees, 'r' for radians, 'p' for physical pixels or 'i' for image pixels), the command cannot be parsed. Take a file with the following content
This file loads without a problem in ds9, but when passed to aplpy.FITSFigure.show_regions
it issues the following warning:
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyregion/ UserWarning: Failed to parse : circle(10.0,-5.0,0.02d)
If this happens with all the entries in my reg
file, then the following exception is raised:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-e910de502d80> in <module>()
6 regfile = mask.regions()
7 #img.show_regions(regfile)
----> 8 img.show_regions('test.reg')
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/envs/pyraf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aplpy/regions.pyc in show_regions(self, region_file, layer, **kwargs)
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/envs/pyraf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aplpy/decorators.pyc in _auto_refresh(f, *args, **kwargs)
23 mydata.nesting = getattr(mydata, 'nesting', 0) + 1
24 try:
---> 25 return f(*args, **kwargs)
26 finally:
27 mydata.nesting -= 1
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/envs/pyraf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aplpy/regions.pyc in show_regions(self, region_file, layer, **kwargs)
63 """
---> 65 PC, TC = ds9(region_file, wcs.WCS(self._header).sub([wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]), **kwargs)
67 # ffpc = self._ax1.add_collection(PC)
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/envs/pyraf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aplpy/regions.pyc in ds9(region_file, header, zorder, **kwargs)
94 # read region file
95 if isinstance(region_file, six.string_types):
---> 96 rr =
97 elif isinstance(region_file, pyregion.ShapeList):
98 rr = region_file
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/envs/pyraf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyregion/core.pyc in open(fname)
264 """
265 region_string = _builtin_open(fname).read()
--> 266 return parse(region_string)
/Users/cristobal/anaconda3/envs/pyraf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyregion/core.pyc in parse(region_string)
246 sss2 = _check_wcs(sss1)
--> 248 shape_list, comment_list = rp.filter_shape2(sss2)
249 return ShapeList(shape_list, comment_list=comment_list)
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
N.B. all this is with pyregion 1.2.0 re:
We have some functionality in ndcube which can do this kind of thing for any ape 14 WCS.
could you link it here?
I couldn't dig it up on my phone :see_no_evil:
These are things which were planning on being upstreamed to astropy but were instead taken into ndcube to incubate them for a bit.
Thanks. That looks useful, but reproject doesn't support APE14 now, so we can't use it directly.
Uh, rather, reproject does support APE14... but... my example doesn't.
Why doesn't your example?
from ndcube.wcs.wrappers import ResampledLowLevelWCS
from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
import reproject
# read whatever random cube I have laying around
cube ='G000.00+00.00_H2CO_2pol.fits')[:25,:20,:21]
ww = ResampledLowLevelWCS(cube.wcs, [2,2,1])
reproject.reproject_interp(cube[0].hdu, ww)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-24-b22d4859483b>", line 1, in <module>
reproject.reproject_interp(cube[0].hdu, ww)
File "/home/adam/repos/astropy/astropy/utils/", line 536, in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/adam/anaconda3/envs/python3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/reproject/interpolation/", line 79, in reproject_interp
wcs_out, shape_out = parse_output_projection(output_projection, shape_out=shape_out,
File "/home/adam/anaconda3/envs/python3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/reproject/", line 129, in parse_output_projection
raise TypeError('output_projection should either be a Header, a WCS '
TypeError: output_projection should either be a Header, a WCS object, or a filename
It should work: but doesn't.
Oh. reproject wants a high-level WCS, but we only have a low-level WCS. What do we do to wrap this to get a high-level WCS?
aha, got it:
from ndcube.wcs.wrappers import ResampledLowLevelWCS
from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
import reproject
reproject.reproject_interp(cube[0].hdu, ww)
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import HighLevelWCSWrapper
# read whatever random cube I have laying around
cube ='G000.00+00.00_H2CO_2pol.fits')[:25,:20,:21]
ww = ResampledLowLevelWCS(cube.wcs.celesital, 2)
reproject.reproject_interp(cube[0].hdu, HighLevelWCSWrapper(ww), shape_out=(10,10))
's reproject only supports FITS WCS right now though
and ResampledLowLevelWCS
doesn't support serialization right now (no to_header