Andrew Straw
Andrew Straw
If you are interested in the future of this library, please consider volunteering as a maintainer. Please leave a note here or contact me directly via email at [email protected] .
cvutils is mostly conversion routines. Just use cv2 instead (it uses numpy arrays as the native type)
Maximize the fidelity of the rendering pipeline by making all internal textures have a floating point format.
Right now, the Skymap implementation is a bit of a hack because it doesn't really draw things at infinite distance but rather on a sphere at some large distance. This...
In our pipeline, everything is in a linear luminance space. But the source imagery for a cubemap background skybox is almost certainly in an sRGB space. Therefore, when we load...
The current badges in the README are out of date. We should update them.
We have coverage tests at but these are out of date. We should get these working again using the Github Actions CI.
The site at is out of date.
From : py2dsc doesn't create debian/copyright. It should be feasible to create draft copyright file using information from egg-info.