rye copied to clipboard
Replace pip-tools with Monotrail or Similar
The use of pip-tools
in rye is because this is what we use at @getsentry. It's however by no means perfect, among other things it does not have proper locking support and the resolver is very hacky. I would like to investigate alternatives. Options that might exist:
- Use/reuse pdm or it's internals
- monotrail-resolve: can resolve, does not lock.
Related issues that this would close:
- #82
- https://github.com/mitsuhiko/rye/issues/200
Hi 👋
Maybe you find this Makefile
useful :) it uses pipgrip to to create (and later commit) a lockfile, and then uses that lockfile with pip's -c/--constraint
flag in make install
and in our Dockerfile. So the python package just has open version ranges, and the corresponding lockfile lives next to it.
.PHONY: lint
## Run linting
pre-commit run --all-files
.PHONY: test
## Run tests
python -m pytest
.PHONY: install
## Install this repo, plus dev requirements, in editable mode
test -e requirements/pipgrip.lock || make lockfile
pip install -r requirements/ci.txt -e . --constraint=requirements/pipgrip.lock
pre-commit install
.PHONY: lockfile
## Create a lockfile for all python requirements.
pip install -U pipgrip
pipgrip -vv --sort --lock --tree .
mv pipgrip.lock requirements/pipgrip.lock
.PHONY: help
## Print Makefile documentation
@perl -0 -nle 'printf("%-25s - %s\n", "$$2", "$$1") while m/^##\s*([^\r\n]+)\n^([\w-]+):[^=]/gm' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort
in Github Actions, we block PRs if they updated prod.txt
(which is read into the package's install_requires), but they forgot to run make lockfile
- name: Check whether requirements/prod.txt changed
id: requirements-changed
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v34
files: |
- name: Check whether make lockfile was forgotten
if: steps.requirements-changed.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
make lockfile
test ! "$(git diff)" && echo "no changes" || ( git diff && exit 1 )
That might be an interesting alternative to try.
You also might look at rustine and pubgrub-pyo3 but this is a rather quick hack, nothing production ready :-)
Regards, Charbel
See also the prefix.dev resolver
See also the prefix.dev resolver
There's also a noteworthy blog post from the developers of Rattler Resolver which is a port of libsolv
to Rust. They started with conda package support and they have set their eyes on PyPI packages support next.
There's also a noteworthy blog post from the developers of Rattler Resolver which is a port of
to Rust. They started with conda package support and they have set their eyes on PyPI packages support next.
Seems like they already delivered: RIP (pip in Rust) 🦀
I think this can be closed now
xref https://github.com/astral-sh/rye/issues/1185
Yes sorry -- we now use uv here.