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Just-in-time spell checking for Emacs

#+title: jit-spell --- Just-in-time spell checking



jit-spell is a spell-checking package for Emacs. It highlights all misspelled words in a window, just like a word processor or web browser does.

#+caption: Correcting a misspelling with jit-spell [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/astoff/jit-spell/images/screenshot.png]]

This behavior is different from the built-in Flyspell package, which only checks words as the cursor moves over them. Moreover, unlike Flyspell, jit-spell communicates with the spell-checking subprocess entirely asynchronously, which can lead to a noticeable performance improvement.

jit-spell is part of [[https://elpa.gnu.org][GNU ELPA]] and can be installed with =M-x package-install RET jit-spell RET=.

** Usage

To enable spell checking in a buffer, type =M-x jit-spell-mode RET=. To correct a misspelling, you can right-click the word (assuming you have =context-menu-mode= activated) or call the command =jit-spell-correct-word=, which uses the minibuffer to read a correction or accept the word.

To make your settings permanent, you may wish to add some variant of the following to your init file:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'jit-spell-mode) (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'jit-spell-mode) (with-eval-after-load 'jit-spell (define-key jit-spell-mode-map (kbd "C-;") 'jit-spell-correct-word)) #+end_src

To pick a spell checker and dictionaries, jit-spell uses Emacs's built-in ispell support code. For instance, =ispell-change-dictionary= temporarily changes the dictionary of the current buffer. Try also =M-x customize-group RET ispell RET= to see a listing of all possible settings.

** Major mode support

Often there are regions of the buffer that should be ignored for spell-checking purposes. In most cases, no additional configuration is necessary.

The simplest mechanism to make adjustments is the user option =jit-spell-ignored-faces=. Any word fontified with one of these faces in this list ignored by jit-spell. To find out which faces are present on a given character, you can use the =describe-char= command.

In all programming language modes, spell checking is restricted to comments, docstrings and strings. This can be modified by customizing the variable =jit-spell-prog-mode-faces=.

** Contributing

Discussions, suggestions and code contributions are welcome! Since this package is part of GNU ELPA, contributions require a copyright assignment to the FSF.