esp32_mouse_keyboard copied to clipboard
Not showing on HID device in Windows 10
"Good morning, I'm trying to use the code on an ESP32-S3. When I connect it to my Android phone, everything works correctly, but when I connect it to the PC, it doesn't work. In particular, I noticed that it doesn't appear among the HID devices (which instead happens with another similar example Arduino arduino-switcheroonie). Any ideas about this?"
Dear @lodogg thx for this info. Did you have a look into the Windows Device Manager? Please tell me which build config you are using (whether with or without joystick/keyboard/mouse).
I'm using the last release 0.3.6 whit all joystick keyboard and mouse enabled
This is my actual Windows device manager:
On the yellow highlight, the "Arduino" example that adds the HID Bluetooth Low Energy compliant to GATT.
THX; I see. Please post the sdkconfig file here and I hope I have spare time and a ESP32-S3 to test it.
In the meantime: please try to compile it again without Joystick.
This is my sdkconfig. Tried without joystick with no success. If you need some help or test something let me know. sdkconfig.txt
Dear @lodogg ,
your sdkconfig is missing CONFIG_MODULE_USEJOYSTICK
, so I guess it is not the current version of this repository.
I've tried it yesterday, without any problem (fresh clone; fresh build without changing anything) on a Windows 10 Pro.
If possible, could you provide the log output of the serial console?
Next thing I'll try is using the ESP32-S3 (I've used the classic one).
Dear @lodogg ,
for today, I've got the firmware running on an ESP32-S3 (see #66 ).
It's a little bit funny: the bootloader is producing log messages, but as soon as we hit I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
, there is no further output (also on the USB-CDC interface); but the device starts (I can pair, connect & reconnect).
If I have time, I will investigate further.
I've successfully built and tested the firmware on the ESP32-S3 as well, please find my sdkconfig attached, which worked for me (esp-idf version v5.1.1). sdkconfig.txt