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Arduino not sending data ?
Hi !
I've been trying to run the project on W7 with an arduino UNO (r3) without success.
I've setup LA_port to COM3 (port used by arduino IDE), baudrate is the same in the .pde and .ino. The ino file was pushed to the arduino UNO without error (except a warning about F_CPU being redefined). I then opened the pde sketch from processing with no errors. The L led on the arduino went off, flashed and then went back on. As no data were printed (not even a timestamp or a horizontal line), I cliked on 'start' but nothing happened except the 'new data coming' line being printed and the RX led of the arduino flashing once. The TX led on the arduino is always off.
So processing is able to send commands to the arduino but the arduino doesn't seems to send any data. So far I've tried rebooting, pushing again the ino file, with various baudrate (also changed in processing), on two usb ports. I've also tested the arduino itself and had no problem to print the reading from a pin on serial port COM3 in the serial monitor.
Any ideas ? Thanks for your help !
Mmm strange, i guess you know that the data are sent only when the buffer is full. You can try to reduce the size on the arduino sketch
Also if this line https://github.com/aster94/logic-analyzer/blob/master/Computer_Interface/processing.pde#L348 doesn t output nothing it means that Processing doesn t receive nothing
Same issue here. Arduino sends no data.
@rqhub have you reduce the sample size to, for example, 5? Then try to use a jumper from ground to manually change the state of the sensing pins a few times
Hi, i have the same issue...
event: 0
initial: 0
samples: 0
event: 0
initial: 0
samples: 0
new data coming
new data coming
new data coming
new data coming
This is what i get in the processing console - I don't see anything in the window though. Tested with Arduino Mega and Uno.
Did anyone get it to work?
@rqhub @linac314 if you need a quick&dirty solution you can try this: https://github.com/FelixWeichselgartner/Arduino_Logic_Analyzer though its obviously not that comfortable
I can confirm that the arduino does not send anything at all over the com port from the ino provided