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Disabling health checks has no affect

Open magick93 opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments

In the application.yml there is the following, which I have changed to settings:

  enabled: true
    enabled: false

However when I deploy to my openshift cluster I can see that the deployment config still has health checks. So it seems this setting doesnt do anything.

magick93 avatar Feb 02 '18 23:02 magick93

While disabling the heath endpoint from the application.yml actually removes the endpoint, it is not used by the Fabric8 Maven to remove the readiness and liveness probes definitions from the deployment.

The Fabric8 Maven plugin automatically adds these definitions when the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency is added to the project classpath. While is it possible to configure these in the plugin configuration, e.g.:


Currently it is not possible to disable the probes aside from removing the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency. That seems to be sensible, though one can argue that this can be inconsistent with the application.yml configuration. If you still think this is an issue, I'd suggest you create an issue in the Fabric8 Maven plugin project.

astefanutti avatar Feb 05 '18 09:02 astefanutti