
Results 46 issues of Astariul

I'm trying to understand the `_local_perm` function. I have trouble to understand what is done at [that line]( **Why the first token of the inputs is added into the target...

Did someone try to fine-tune XLNet on a text generation task ? Any script example ? How are the results ?

As mentioned [here](, cached memory is not used at finetuning time. It is also mentioned that one can increase the maximum length at finetuning time, since relative position embeddings are...

Can I use this repo with [`pre-commit`]( ? If yes, what should I add to my `.pre-commit-config.yaml` ?

When leaving a channel, I'm meeting the following error : >C:\Users\remon\Documents\workspace\discord-voice-recorder\bin\commands.js:48 voiceChannel.leave(); ^ > >TypeError: Cannot read property 'leave' of null at Object.exports.exit (C:\Users\remon\Documents\workspace\discord-voice-recorder\bin\commands.js:48:18) at Client. (C:\Users\remon\Documents\workspace\discord-voice-recorder\index.js:22:51) at Client.emit (events.js:376:20)...


When I record voices, it detect and create 2 PCM files : one with my voice, and an empty file. Is it normal ? How can I have a single...


I'm using an external library, which use ArgParse. I would like to use ConfigParse, in order to give a config file to ArgParse. Something like : ```python import lib parser...

[Dealing with bool args in `argparse` is counter-intuive]( I've decided to follow [this solution]( : `command --feature` and `command --no-feature` I put a mutually exclusive group in order to avoid...

Thank you for sharing such a great codebase :) I have a question about truncated article. --- As mentioned in #14, article are truncated at 512 tokens. In some case,...

When testing checkpoints with `-mode validate` and `-test_all` options, I expect the code to run the validation on every checkpoint. However, sometimes it silently stops after evaluating X checkpoints. I...