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Boilerplates for Assemble. Each boilerplate offers something different: static site generation, h5bp, Bootstrap, swig, markdown, blog generation, etc.

boilerplates NPM version

Boilerplates for Assemble.

This repo is based on grunt-contrib.


This collection contains all of the boilerplates maintained by the Assemble core team. This list is made available as a convenience for first-time users who would like to explore what Assemble has to offer. After review, it is recommended that you install the boilerplates you wish to use individually.


boilerplate-bootstrap NPM version

Build Bootstrap with Assemble instead of Jekyll.

boilerplate-gist-blog NPM version

Use Assemble to create a blog from GitHub Gists.

boilerplate-h5bp NPM version

Assemble + HTML5 Boilerplate.

boilerplate-markdown NPM version

Use Assemble to generate HTML pages from markdown content. Useful for wikis, gh-pages, documentation and blogs or sites with markdown posts.

boilerplate-site NPM version

Demonstrates how to use Assemble to build a site. Includes layouts, pages, partials, and markdown content.

boilerplate-sitemap NPM version

Generate a sitemap with Assemble.

boilerplate-swig NPM version

Example of using swig templates with Assemble.


generator-assemble NPM version

Yeoman generator for Assemble, the static site generator built on Grunt.js. Kickstart new Assemble projects in just a few seconds, including templates, data, layouts, and a theme.

grunt-init-assemble NPM version

Grunt init template for Assemble, the static site generator built on Grunt.js. Kickstart new Assemble projects in just a few seconds, including templates, data, layouts, and a theme.

grunt-init-assemble-plugin NPM version

Generate a plugin for Assemble.

grunt-init-basic NPM version

grunt-init template for a very basic project. includes nodeunit tests, jshint, watch, clean, and assemble for converting readme to a simple gh-pages index page.

grunt-init-ghpages NPM version

Quickly build gh-pages documentation from a project README using Grunt.js and Assemble, a Node.js alternative to Jekyll.

grunt-init-helper NPM version

Grunt init template for creating Assemble helpers.


Please see the Contributing guide for information on contributing to this project.

To update the list of boilerplates displayed on this README, from the root of the project run grunt.


Jon Schlinkert

Brian Woodward


Copyright (c) 2014 Assemble Team, contributors.
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by grunt-verb on May 07, 2014.