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Microservices on .Net platforms which used ASP.NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Yarp API Gateway, PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLite, SqlServer, Marten, Entity Framework Core, CQRS, MediatR, D...

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Bumps [Newtonsoft.Json]( from 12.0.3 to 13.0.1. Release notes Sourced from Newtonsoft.Json's releases. 13.0.1 New feature - Add JsonSelectSettings with configuration for a regex timeout Change - Remove portable assemblies from...


Based on your coding, the service related to receiving the email settings in section (InfrastructureServiceRegistartion) will not be returned, please help. ![image](

hi. i'm using macbook air 2020 with m1 processor for this project. and i'm facing one issue that tells me ### Google.Protobuf.Tools cannot determine host OS and CPU after searching...

If you get this error running the command `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d` disable "Use Docker Compose V2" in docker settings ![image](

on later version, It won't build without declaring the Type after type

IMapper member is not used in DeleteOrderCommandHandler.

``` public async Task GetProductByName(string name) { FilterDefinition filter = Builders.Filter.ElemMatch(p => p.Name, name); return await _context .Products .Find(filter) .ToListAsync(); } ```

this project need upgrade to .NET 6 with new future like (distribute, and local transaction , identity server ,...)

Hello, I have been starting to use the project recently, which is great, but I have noticed connection timeout in pulling **elasticsearch:7.9.2** and **kibana:7.9.2**. I think it would be better...