module-zero-core-template copied to clipboard
Please consider this PR, to help to update the project Docker files.
Please consider this PR, to help to update the project Docker files.
@EduardoSantanaSeverino thank you very much for your contribution. @demirmusa can you test and merge this PR ?
Hi @ismcagdas,
The files were created to no break the current Docker build. that is why for the most part of the PR is adding files that have the suffix _udpated.
Do you rather go with overwriting the files?
@EduardoSantanaSeverino I think updating the original files will be better.
Thank you for your comments. I will make the update.
I will end up not changing the default port 80. and overwriting default docker files.
@EduardoSantanaSeverino See my comments please and I don't think
suffix is necessary. Just update the original files.
The -updated
suffix was removed. and set the default port 80.
@ismcagdas anything else I could do?
@gterdem do you have any other comments ?
@ismcagdas Is there something else I could help to get it merged?
@EduardoSantanaSeverino no, it is fine but I couldn't have time to test it yet, sorry. We will probably test and merge this next week.
@ismcagdas anything else I could do?
Hi @EduardoSantanaSeverino,
I reviewed this PR, but I have a problem with running this project. Can you provide me a simple document for running this projects, to make it available for everyone? (SSL certificates etc.)
Hi @m-aliozkaya , Thank you for your comment.
Can you provide me a simple document for running this projects, to make it available for everyone?
- I am not sure what type of document you referring to?
- Do you mean a PDF with instructions on how to run this PR?
- Do you have an example of the document
(SSL certificates etc.)
Regarding SSL certificates etc. SSL certificates are not implemented in this PR, because when working with containers 99 percent of the time TLS termination proxy is used, and the SSL encryption is performed by another container/proxy.
Please let me know what type of document you referring to? or how can I help?
Thank you.
@EduardoSantanaSeverino a basic step by step document to run project using Docker would be great. Markdown format is prefered option for us. We had problems when running the project using the modified files.
Thank you @ismcagdas , I will work on it.
I will be recording a video demonstration on how to use those files without being merged.
Hi @ismcagdas ,
Please find the demonstration video below:
Let me know if I am missing something please.
Thank you!
Video content:
How to containerized your BoilerPlate Application
This is a video demonstration for How to containerized a new Boiler Plate Application. The following instructions will allow you running one aspnetboilerplate application as docker container. The Dockerfile and docker-compose files are taken from a repository with a pull request and it is explained down below in the following steps.
For you to follow along the following instructions you will need to be familiar with git, aspnetboilerplate, docker, aspnet core, angular. that is why I will not be exaplaining anything about aspnetboilerplate, I going to be creating a full series of videos about how to create your project with aspnetboilerplate, this video is only how to run the project as a docker container.
I am going to be using the following tools:
- Git command line for Linux or Mac or Git bash for Windows
- Docker for Linux or Mac or Windows
- Docker Compose for Linux or Mac or Windows
- SQL Server Management Studio
- Download the new template application from aspnetboilerplate website. Ex:
. For our example we are taking ASP.NET Core target version v7.x and Single Page Web Application with Angular. - Leave the Options by default which will be Include login, register, user, roles and tenant management pages. And untick the One solution.
- Set your project name to be MyCollege.
- Enter the captcha code, leave the latest stable version and click the download project button.
- You will get a file.
- Extract this file, and inside you will file the version number in our example we have 7.3. We don't need this version now. Go inside the version number folder and create a git repository in there. In my example, I will be doing:
unzip -d MyCollege/
cd MyCollege/7.3.0/
- Once terminal and navigated to inside the version number folder, once there execute those commands:
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'my initial commit'
- Then we are going to add some Docker files from this repository pull request
. Basically we are taking all updated and new files from this pull request and copy them over to our new project folder. In my example I am copying those file with this command:-
cp -r ../../copy-from-merge/* ./
git status
- Open the folder:
, and Look that files, for example: -
- Open the root of the repository folder with any IDE/text editor of your preference, I am using VS Code.
- Update the file
place holderAbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName
with your project own name. In my case I am doingMyCollege
name, and executing this commands:-
cat ./aspnet-core/Dockerfile
sed -i "s/AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName/MyCollege/g" ./aspnet-core/Dockerfile
cat ./aspnet-core/Dockerfile
- Create a new database in your MS SQL Server, for me it will be
. Therefore I am going to MS SQL Management Studio and executing theCREATE DATABASE MyCollegeDb
command. - Go back to VS code and set the connection string in the
file. For my example the connection string will be:Server=;Database=MyCollegeDb;User Id=sa;Password=D8JeW7jjSmBVXLcRxWLDwMjYLnf6xVG8;
. For my example:-
cat ./aspnet-core/src/MyCollege.Migrator/appsettings.json
sed -i "s/Server=localhost; Database=MyCollegeDb; Trusted_Connection=True;/Server=;Database=MyCollegeDb;User Id=sa;Password=D8JeW7jjSmBVXLcRxWLDwMjYLnf6xVG8;/g" ./aspnet-core/src/MyCollege.Migrator/appsettings.json
cat ./aspnet-core/src/MyCollege.Migrator/appsettings.json
- With your terminal navigate to migration project folder and run this project with the following command:
cd ./aspnet-core/src/MyCollege.Migrator
dotnet run
- Build the container image for the Angular Application and the Aspnet Core Application by running the script hosted in
. Please note this script is expecting you to navigate your terminal to the folderaspnet-core/build
and then execute the script from there.-
cd ../../../aspnet-core/build
ls -al
cat ./
docker image ls
- Run your docker-compose file by updating the environment variables on the file
as desired. and finally, navigate your terminal to:aspnet-core/docker/ng
, once there execute the following command:-
cd ../../aspnet-core/docker/ng
cat ./docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/Server=; Database=AbpProjectNameDb; User=AbpProjectNameUser; Password=YourStrongPassword;/Server=;Database=MyCollegeDb;User Id=sa;Password=YOUR_PASSWORD;/g" ./docker-compose.yml
cat ./docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps
Final Notes:
Once the pull request is merged all you would need to run your application as docker container is follow the steps number 11 and 15.
Finally updating the remote repository:
git remote add origin [email protected]:EduardoSantanaSeverino/MyCollegeTest01.git
git push origin master
@m-aliozkaya could you check it again ? @EduardoSantanaSeverino thanks a lot for your contribution again.
My mistake, I removed: m-aliozkaya from the reviewers.
Hi @EduardoSantanaSeverino,
I followed the steps, it's working great. Thank you for contributing.
Hi @EduardoSantanaSeverino,
I updated the Powershell script and renamed the Bash script. If these changes are ok, I merge
Looks good to me!