Alex Spina
Alex Spina
Adapted from {incidence} but makes it possible to use directly with {ggplot2} maintaining the use of scale_x_date() functions. Seems to work dates or month (presumably works with whatever geom_histogram() is...
as per #188 to allow for things like pagebreaks and crossreferences
still to do: - [ ] add_crosstabs() needs to take arguments from a gtsummary::tbl_uvregression() rather than user inputting them - [ ] gt_mh_odds() needs to be finalised to include rr...
should shift this to our one
universe has already setup we just need to finalise and then update the install instructions - per #264, #55
add to the pkgdown site a way of understanding what is even in the templates A nice option is from this [slide with structure]( from the hackathon there is also...
have a follow-up discussion around making templating more robust and exchange ideas with @rosericazondekon and @Michael-Sheppard based on their experience with [{rnssp-rm-templates}](
I have added a basic section to spatial analysis using the "tmap" package (with "tmaptools" too). I chose this because it allows both sf and sp files and has similar...
once have got all the gtsummary CI and deff stuff working can uncomment and fix inline text
turns out do need a wrapper for gtsummary to add confidence intervals and design effect to tbl_svysummary( ). is posted on {gtsummary} [github ]( crude wrapper [here ]( @amygimma focus...