Andrea Sorbini
Andrea Sorbini
Hi @ruffsl, thank you for this report, I will try to reproduce locally and start investigating. Meanwhile, a couple of comments: > > * An abnormal number of rmw_dds_common warnings...
> This is something that I've seen before show up in some unit test logs, but I haven't been able to understand/resolve yet. I think it has to be related...
I'm still investigating, but one thing I've noticed is that the default implementation used by `rmw_connextdds` for WaitSets (based on DDS WaitSets) might be generating too much CPU usage, and...
I've been doing some extensive testing locally (by building a "minimal" Rolling tree and the nav2 stack in Debug mode), and created #22 to address some of the issues that...
I forgot to mention that the issue with the "typesupport" error is caused by an error message in `rosidl_typesupport_cpp` which should really be a debug statement at best. I had...
@ruffsl we merged #22 to address some of the issues that you reported. The commit should have been included in the latest nightly, but I'm not sure if it was...
@ruffsl looks like there were some clear improvements ✌🏼
> > ``` > [lifecycle_manager-4] [INFO] [1618496230.369896380] [lifecycle_manager_filters]: ?[34m?[1mHave not received a heartbeat from filter_mask_server.?[0m?[0m > [lifecycle_manager-4] [ERROR] [1618496230.370132736] [lifecycle_manager_filters]: CRITICAL FAILURE: SERVER filter_mask_server IS DOWN after not receiving a...
Linux CI with only Connext enabled for initial validation: [](
> Linux CI with only Connext enabled for initial validation: []( I investigated the failures, I believe the issues lie either in some test problem or they are unrelated...