kube-monkey copied to clipboard
Adding labels in the presence of operator
I tried kubemonkey on a deployment.
Applied the following to deployment, made sure even the pods under the deployment gets propagated to the pods as well and kubemonkey picked up the pods.
metadata: name: mydeploy spec: template: metadata: labels: kube-monkey/enabled: enabled kube-monkey/identifier: mydeploy kube-monkey/mtbf: '2' kube-monkey/kill-mode: "fixed" kube-monkey/kill-value: '1'
Now the env im working on has an "operator" So when I apply the above yaml to the deployment, the operator does the reconciliation. and gets the labels back to old state. In summary the new labels wont take effect and kube monkey wont pick up the pods.
Wanted another way of applying labels or if we can make kubemonkey pickup existing labels.