Do you mean that we should output a `np.float32` dtype if axis is of this type, otherwise fall back to `float`?
In the above snippet, what does the `arr` refer to? Is it the `axis` or the resulting rotation matrix?
As @djhoese hinted at, disabling depth testing allows all markers to be drawn fully. ```diff --- 2021-09-01 18:34:13.681330056 +0200 +++ 2021-09-01 18:40:07.619931629 +0200 @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ scatter...
Right. Then, as you said, an order-independent transparency method like #2039 seems required.
@brisvag I think the general mechanism for rendering transparency is in place, but that some adaptions in the MarkersVisual are needed. It might not be that much, though. Not sure...
(Moreover, a limitation of this OIT algorithm would be that opaque and transparent markers would need to be separated into two different MarkersVisuals (and this is the case for all...
After looking at [MarkerVisual](, it seems that calling `set_data` again with all attributes is the only exposed solution for now.
There is `VertexBuffer.set_subdata` to set a contiguous subblock of data, which I think is not applicable here because of the attributes being interleaved in a common VBO. I think the...
Maybe #2008
I have the same issue with one system. It seems there is a driver/hardware-dependent limit on the maximum point size. ```python >>> GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = 33901 >>> from vispy.gloo...