
Results 96 comments of A-Ron

`lua_pcall` is supposed to do that work for us, including guaranteeing a return (rather than a long-jump) on error. Wrapping debug.traceback would at least make it clear if the crash...

regarding the modes, I vaguely remember uncovering an issue with the mode used for timers when I was working on a menubar replacement (development on it stalled, because we fixed...

@cmsj, can't fault your logic... I've come to the same conclusion. The only time I've seen something similar is when making updates to `hs._coresetup` or `setup.lua` directly, though usually that...

@cmsj, forget my comment above re timer and modes... the issue I was referencing was #1598 and it's already been addressed. And from the discussion there, my vote is standardizing...

FWIW, I see the same behavior with Safari and 1password with Universal Autofill... and I'm already running 12.4, so... Not sure what's up, but I'll check out the 1password forums...

While going through everything for #3166 I was reminded that `hs.application`, `hs.window`, `hs.uielement`, and their respective watchers could all probably be simplified (or at least streamlined) now with `hs.axuielement`... I'll...

@cmsj, I think this is another place where your new documentation generation code is too particular about blank lines. In this case, I think categories other than `function`, `constructor`, and...

Try the following in the console: First, type in the following: ~~~lua d = hs.canvas.new{x = 100, y = 100, h = 100, w = 100}:show():appendElements{ type = "rectangle" }...

@cmsj, should we make delete a synonym for hide? I know it won't free memory like clearing it and collecting garbage does, but at least the item would "disappear" from...

Hmmm... the number of elements *shouldn't* matter (the example code had 1 after all that we didn't explicitly clear), but I'll dig in to it deeper next week (I have...