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Node dnode client talking to java dnode server

Open sogoiii opened this issue 12 years ago • 0 comments

I am trying to write a simple node server to call a function on the java server. I currently run the DnodeExample.java and can go to localhost:6061 to get the webpage to pop up. But what i want is to have a nodetojavaserver.js file to call the javafunctions.

//nodetojavaserver.js (next to the server.js and client.js files) var DNode = require('dnode');

DNode.connect(6061, function (remote) { remote.howAreYou(function (x) { //This line i am confused about. console.log(x); }); });

I expected the "I am fine" string to be returned and printed on the console after running the client. The result is the node client lags for a few seconds and then exits. I have tried several variations: remote.cat.howAreYou , remote.howAreYou, remote.cat.

NOTE: i removed the "var m = process.ARGV[2];" line because it gave errors. NOTE: also had to change "var sys = require('sys');" to "var sys = require('util');"

sogoiii avatar May 23 '12 01:05 sogoiii