Maksim Sorokin
Maksim Sorokin
@jmt99 Filed the bug in our internal bug tracker `#65801`
I can confirm - this is `bug #59905`
builder - is needed to NOT use js in the script. Then the script will be executed faster, because it will just be conversion. If js is present, it is...
@SunjfGitHub This bug has already been fixed in the current version `#60996` of documentbuidler Version: 8.0.0 [What’s new]( Release Date: 2/5/2024
@laowengdiaodayu Thank you for the open issue. I created a bug on our closed bug tracker `#67794`
@softboy99 This will depend on the version of the browser on which you are running the editor. At the moment, for example, on the current version of chrome, the drag&drop...
@lantongkun Can I ask you to repeat the scenario on your side with saving after activating all logs for the document server? ```bash docker exec -it $NAME sed -i 's/WARN/ALL/g'...
@lantongkun There is also a suggestion to update the document server to the current `version 8.0`
@mascotze I have made an offer for implementation in our private bug tracker. `#67462`
api plugin and api buidler are different layers isolated from each other. CallCommand executes api buidler methods. The pluginMethod_AddContentControlList method is an api plugin method not available for execution from...