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### System (Mac, Windows 7/8/10, Linux) / 操作系统 ### SwitchHosts! Version / SwitchHosts! 版本 ### Description / 描述 ### How to reproduce / 重现步骤

### System (Mac, Windows 7/8/10, Linux) / 操作系统 ### SwitchHosts! Version / SwitchHosts! 版本 ### Description / 描述 ### How to reproduce / 重现步骤

if i save encrypt data and .encfs6.xml in a place that other can get. and the other can't get my password key is it safe? thanks

use lxc launch a simple conainer curl publicip:80 is ok curl publicip:22 is hang why? thanks

the label of the app on taskbar is always change. i want that the label is fixed. no need to see can switch app

show app icon, and easy to choose app by mouse? thanks

lxc version Client version: 5.5 Server version: 5.5 #uname -r 5.19.3-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64 A brief description of what failed or what could be improved. lxc launch centos/8-Stream c1 can ping bridge ip...

比如我要连接youtube, 先本地dns解析youtube, 因为cdn关系, 解析出来的是本区域的ip, 然后用socks5代理链接解析出来的本区域youtube地址, 某些cdn这样是无法连接的 应该发给socks5的请求就是youtube域名, 让代理去解析youtube域名, 这种情况, kkcap能支持吗

it is easy to choose the app that user want

some docker images container many labels on image but it is not used in normal case need option without label