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The framework to write WASM smart contracts for Substrate Frame Pallet-Contracts in AssemblyScript.
Ask! is a framework for AssemblyScript developers to write WASM smart contracts on Substrate FRAME pallet-contracts.
Quick Start
There is a simple template for creating an Ask! contract project.
git clone
cd ask-template
# Install dependencies and Build the template contract
yarn && yarn build flipper.ts
The above command will generate wasm code and metadata file of the contract. After that you need to deploy them to the substrate-based blockchain containing the pallet-contracts, like:
You can refer to the deployment section in our documentation.
You can run the following simple command to try some examples:
cd ask
yarn && yarn build
yarn example examples/flipper/index.ts
Here is a list of examples:
Feel free to open a PR to add your interesting ones into the list.
Ask! is licensed under MIT.