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ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI methods should not have "Async" suffix
Plugin suggests to rename WebAPI actions which is not completely correct. WebAPI action name should not reflect the way how it is executed.
Example: I get a suggestion to rename CityController.Get(...) action to "GetAsync"
Hi @usarskyy for now as a workaround I can suggest using
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ConsiderUsingAsyncSuffix")]
attribute for the Controller.
Another option is // ReSharper disable ConsiderUsingAsyncSuffix
I also have an oposite request #2 and I guess I'll build settings to filter out types for the inspection.
Any exctra information is very appriciated:
- Which APS.NET MVC and WEB API versions are affected?
- Any links to naming guidlines or convensions for WEB API will be good as well.
And btw which ReSharper version do yo use?
Request #2 is similar but in fact related to something else.
In my case I have the following code:
public async Task<ResponseMessage> Register([FromBody] RequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { .... }
This would perfectly fall into suggested MethodNameAsync case if it wasn't a WebAPI action. There is no "must do" naming guideline, you do as you like. For example, my coding guideline is based on a few projects. We (other developers and I) came to a conclusion that if there is no difference for a consumer (i.e., web application) how action is executed (i.e., how to pass arguments and how to handle a result) then there should be no difference in naming convention. In case of code that you call from your C# code, there is a difference. That is why "Async" suffix must be used.
We use WebAPI 2, ASP.NET MVC 5 and ReSharper 10 (upgraded yesterday)
Some links I found about the topic:
MSFT seems to be very inconsistent about naming for async actions:
Your examples are newer but in general you have to take into account that old ASP.NET asynchronous actions were written differently than now ( In old times "Async" suffix actually had a concrete meaning and was silently removed by the framework. It can be that some projects are using "Async" suffix to be compatible with old naming convention.
Yeah, I understand that #2 is different. I mean they are related as they both influence the decision whether or not to show the suggestion.
I don't want to hard-code classes or frameworks as I did for test frameworks.
That's why I'm thinking about configurable list of classes/attributes to exclude from analysis.
I'd like to add a +1 to this. MVC action methods do not need the Async suffix.