Stephen S.

Results 65 issues of Stephen S.

Hi, Fisher/Jenks algorithm is generally considered the most usual, and as such has been adopted by most cartographic tools as their default when drawing choropleth maps. However, Head/Tails algorithm (Bin...


Hi, Thank you for the very useful package! First, **let me be clear**: the error is probably NOT a bug of the package, but mine. I just would like to...

It would be practical to have a _simple_ return on the connection function, instead of the whole page of connection details the function is returning now. Maybe another enclosing function...


Thanks for the great development! Will install it on a server ASAP and test it from there. Formatting using basic markdown would be a great plus: - bold, italic -...

- Version used: last 3.8 - ACF Pro version 5.6.7 - Local dev environment (but the same when site is live) 1. I have an ACF group linked to a...

help wanted

Hi, I am trying the script on an Ubuntu desktop. The installation went well but I get this error when trying to execute `markpress -n` from the Terminal: ```...

Hi, 1. as per your instructions, I have created a data folder on the host computer, given access rights as `www-data` (33) 2. completed the `docker-compose.yml` file with the name...

In the documentation. The link displayed in the example is wrong: `wget -O neighborhoods.geojson`

I have installed H3 which is now available from `/usr/local/bin/` When I try to install the package using the correct instruction (_please fix in your instructions_): ```R devtools::install_github("josiahparry/placekey") ``` It...

Currently the only command referenced for `issue` is `inspect`. Would it be possible to add a `create` command with parameters: - title - details This would make adding issues way...
