lightbox icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lightbox copied to clipboard

A lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap

Results 55 lightbox issues
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Bootstrap 3 uses data-remote for modals. This closes #309

I found that the "data-remote" attr isn't work with Bootstrap 3.3.7. It will showing bits rather than and image, even the image is loaded correctly within microseconds. Can anyone tell...


Hi! I noticed that data-title and data-footer attributes overrides initial config. So, if I create an instance of lightbox like this ``` $("#link").ekkoLightbox({ title: "Title", footer: "Footer", alwaysShowClose: true });...

The `$modalArrows` should be the one used for registering click events. This way if an `a:first-child` or `a:last-child` is child of `$lightboxContainer` no conflicts occur. This solved an error we...

Hi Ashley I am using Bootstrap 4 with your Ekko lightbox gallery - I am filtering the images using jQuery. The filter simply shows/hides images with the matching class...

Hi! Thank you for the plugin! I just set things up using the tutorial examples. Unfortunately the arrows are tiny and appear in the lower left corner of the picture....

So, you're experiencing a problem? If you're not sure how to use the lightbox, or are experiencing a problem with it, please ask on [StackOverflow]( - you will most definitely...

It would be nice to be able to specify a minimum width. With extremely small images, I get a lightbox that indeed shows the image, but the title/footer is outside...

In current version of ekko-lightbox elements have to be groupped using `data-gallery` attribute. There's no wrapper functionality which would be treated as implicit groupping. For example one can create ekko...